Sunday, 3 October 2021

Orctober - The F'yar Guard

After the excitement of (nearly) completing the First International Townscape Challenge, and a holiday filled with Medieval Music, hiking and cheese, I'm a bit at a standstill. I haven't posted anything since the FITC, and I haven't done much more hobbywise.

There's plenty I'd like to be doing, but I'm not really sure what to do next (lack of games as a target again) and I don't want to get back in the situation of having too many unfinished projects. 

#Orctober has inspired me though. I've been looking through my 15mm Dragon Rampant orcs and found a set of unpainted command. These are Blood Dawn miniatures from Magister Militum. I got these ages ago, and they are actually a bit big, but I thought they'd work as an elite unit for my 15mm Dragon Rampant Orcs, but do I really need them?

Back in 2017 I started thinking about adapting Bloodbath at Orcs Drift for Dragon Rampant and that campaign includes an elite unit to accompany the Orc leader King F'yar, called the F'yar Guard. These, I thought, would be ideal. So the answer is 'yes, I do need them'.

I'm painting them up using my current method of base coat - highlight - dip. 
First things first though, the bases needed some surgery. The minis are big, with appropriately large broccoli bases. To big to fit comfortably on a 15mm diameter base, then on with the painting.

The painting was pretty straightforward, following the same method as I used for the Kings of War orcs starting here (and I must finish basing them).
They are currently waiting for the gloss varnish to dry, but here they are prior to the dip stage.

These are really fun minis to paint and seem to do well with my style of painting.  



  1. The orcs look great. Looking forward to seeing how big they are scaled against other orcs, although orcs can get away with size differences.

    1. Thanks, they should be finished soon and I'll do a comparison shot with some of my other orcs.
      They are big though, 18 to 20mm tall, very suitable for an elite guard unit. I've used other Blood Dawn minis in my Dragon Rampant army, particularly the bellicose foot.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

For the past 48 days my hobby time has been dedicated to Dave Stone's Paint What You Got Challenge . I decided early on to use it as a s...