Saturday, 16 October 2021

15mm Dragon Rampant - Minis From the Vaults

Whilst sorting out my F'yar Guard I came across the elves I painted for Orc's Drift, along with some undead that may eventually be used if I ever play Terror of the Lichemaster.  As I've never shown these before I thought readers might like to see them.  They all date back to before my current basecoat, extreme highlight, wash style of painting rank and file troops.  The elves in particular have had increasingly light highlights, which looks good on these models, but takes a long time to do compared to my 'quick' method.

The elves are Ral Partha Demonworld, lovely minis and a joy to paint.  You can just about see them in the Kachas Pass battle report here.  I still need to come up with an emblem for the banner; the Kachas Pass elves have a unicorn banner, which sounds fun, but I'm not sure my freehand painting is up to it.  I might be able to find a transfer that works?

I'd originally planned for these elves to stand in for Bromedir's Bows at Orc's Drift as well, but those elves are armoured, so I might look for some in mail, there are plenty of Demonworld elves, and some of their High Elves look the part.

Elf archers

Elf command and heroes

The unicorn banner of the Kachas Pass elves

The undead are Magister Militum Blood Dawn, and like the F'yar Guard, rather large compared to other ranges.  Whilst I like the minis and they paint up well, if I were starting again I'd choose Demonworld minis, simply because they are more in scale with the rest of my collection.  I have some of the Demonworld zombies for the second and third Lichemaster scenarios, and the height difference is noticeable, though I'll live with it for now.

Skeletons with command

More undead with hero

The 15mm Dragon Rampant box also contains some unpainted dwarves who I need for Orc's Drift (and the Terror of the Lichemaster, if I ever get onto it), so who knows, perhaps they'll get painted soon.


  1. Great collection. Now you are making me want to paint 15mm fantasy!

    1. Thanks. They are nice minis and I'm looking forward to getting them on the tabletop again soon.


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