Friday, 22 October 2021

Orctober - Mantic Marauders Ripper Suits

Whilst the varnish on the 10mm Mordor orcs was drying, I started my next Orctober project, something for Deadzone.

I have quite a few* of Mantic's Deadzone/Warpath Marauders (or orx as they were briefly known).  I painted up the infantry a while ago but these were gifted to a gaming buddy to encourage him to start his own Deazone team.  I recently started rebuilding and painting the old restic infantry, but I wanted to add more variety to the team; the restic models aren't great for this.  When I heard about the forthcoming hard plastic Marauders I decided to hang fire to see how well components from those work on the restic infantry.  Once I get the chance to try, I'll let you know.  

I've never build any of the Ripper Suits though, and these are impressive bits of kit.  Building the two versions seemed like a good Orctober project, so here we go (NB: NOT 'Ere We Go).

I'm not a fan of working with restic.  There are techniques to learn and it cleans up differently from metal, resin or hard plastic.  Still, once cleaned up the models build up fairly easily once you work out what goes where.  The rotary cannon must fit on a left arm, but otherwise there is a lot of freedom with the components.  Some of the joints need a bit of help; drilling out the sockets on the arms is a must, but go carefully otherwise you'll have to fill with greenstuff.  I speak from experience.

Here they both are, built and undercoated with Vallejo German Green Brown Surface Primer.  I've left the heads off for now to make it easier to paint the suits.  They'll get painted separately and glued in place once everything's finished.

Note heads on sticks

I'll get some paint on them once the primer has cured.  Given the amount of armour on them I might approach them rather like Space Marines, or should I treat them more like vehicles?  I think I need to do some research.

*Or lots and lots, depending on your viewpoint.  I prefer to think of them as being the perfect amount.


  1. Weirdly wonderful. Restic is not my favourite material to work with.

    1. Nor mine, but once they are all done, they are fine.
      There are some really good kits in restic, such as the orc and dwarf cavalry. I wonder if they will ever be replaced with hard plastic?


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