Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Deadzone Marauder progress

June the Month of Deadzone is progressing well.
I have finished most of my Orx (or Marauder) strike team.

I still have the captain to finish, but he is taking longer with all the braid and greatcoat.
I went with what I hope is a believable looking military uniform, rather than the more ragtag look I have for my fantasy orcs and goblins.
The figures were undercoated with Army Painter Leather Brown. Then the skin was base coated Vallejo game colour Sick Green, the pants Citadel Desert Yellow and the tunics VGC Khaki. Equipment was mostly VGC Dark Fleshtone or VMC German Grey. Metals were VGC Chainmail.
I then highlighted with lighter shades, e.g. VGC Goblin Green on the skin. Then a coat of Army Painter Strongtone dip, followed by Antishine.
Clear acrylic bases should look good on the Deadzone scenery and mats.
I've already got 100 points of Plague assembled ready to paint as well.


  1. Looking forward to playing against these, they're looking good!

  2. Looking forward to playing against these, they're looking good!


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