Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Prop Progress?

So how did 'prop May' go?
Pretty well. I haven't posted much because most of the props were printouts from the adventure or pictures from the internet. Very useful for player immersion, but not very interesting to show here.

Moving on; New month, New project.

As I mentioned previously I went to the Mantic open day, there I picked up a pathfinder set for the new version of Deadzone. It's not the full retail box load (and I'm still waiting for my kickstarter stuff), but is great for running demos.
I've been planning the terrain and looking through my old DZ stuff putting together a few 100 points forces.

Last night we managed two consecutive games using my stuff alongside T'OtherOne's stuff (mine is teh unpainted grey stuff in the foreground, his is the rather excellent yellow stuff behind; more about it on his blog, link below).

We all had fun and got both games done in around two hours. No surprise then that June looks like Deadzone month.


  1. When I'm back from honeymoon I'm looking forward to cracking on with painting my Industrial Battlezone kits and getting more games of Deadzone in. These two games we played were SO much slicker and faster than V1 and I really didn't miss the aggression levels, the rolling combat or any of the other amends made to these Redux rules. Great games, great company on the night, great fun!

    1. Indeed. I think they have got a really great game here.
      For anyone wanting to try it the 'Boot Camp' rules are here

  2. When I'm back from honeymoon I'm looking forward to cracking on with painting my Industrial Battlezone kits and getting more games of Deadzone in. These two games we played were SO much slicker and faster than V1 and I really didn't miss the aggression levels, the rolling combat or any of the other amends made to these Redux rules. Great games, great company on the night, great fun!


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

For the past 48 days my hobby time has been dedicated to Dave Stone's Paint What You Got Challenge . I decided early on to use it as a s...