Saturday, 21 May 2016

Open Day AAR

I'm back from the open day and I had a great time.
I got the few bits I wanted (and a few more things) and attended the Kings of War seminar where we got to hear about the plans for KoW
Kings of War, a 'Rorke's Drift' type scenario.

Deadzone display board, showing just how flexible the terrain system is

More of the display, I like the funky lighting

Kings of War again

A fantastic Dungeon Saga set up

There was a big game of Warpath too.  The sandy terrain was great

More of the Warpath board

The new Deadzone is clearly suitable for families


  1. Love the LED lighting on The Deadzone board. Nice to see somebody else's take on the Secret Weapon Rolling Fields set too. C'mon, spill de beans- what didja get?

    1. I'll show you what I got, along with some nice pics of the display cases, when I next post.

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