Wednesday, 15 June 2016

A Plague on this Weather

I'm part way through painting a Strike Force of Plague for Deadzone, unfortunately I am waiting for dry enough weather to spray the Antishine on them.  Grr...
When I get them done I will base them and get pictures up.

Meanwhile I have been building (yet more) cardstock terrain for the D&D campaign.  No pictures yet until a) its finished, and b) the players have seen it first.  Don't want to spoil the surprise.

I also gave a friend an introductory game of Kings of War.  He had joined in the epic Battle of the Stag, but this was his first go with a force of his own and an explanation of the rules.
As usual I found the system easy to teach and pick up, and he loved it.
Set up; Orcs to the left, cannon to the right.

From the other end.  The terrain is mostly GW, it always helps if a game looks good as well.

The battle nears its conclusion.  Near the wall lurk the orc skulks, which I failed to get rid of all battle.

In the end it was a hard fought draw.  A good result for a first game.

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