Tuesday, 4 May 2021

28mm Combatzone Star Wars Scatter Terrain

May the Fourth be With You

I recently received a couple of packs of Combatzone's Desert Planet terrain bits for my 28mm Star Wars games. T'Other One recommended their stuff he got for his Aliens board game, so I took a chance.
I've rushed a couple of the pieces off to get them posted today (International Star Wars Day) and here they are.

The crates etc are from the Large Scatter Set and the Moisture Vaporator is from the Desert Skirmish set.  Combatzone use the 3D printed terrain from Imperial Terrain (with full permission) and 'add some Combatzone bling'.  I take it to mean they  make moulds and cast, as the pieces are a hard plaster compound.  There is a faint trace of the printing layers, on the vaporator especially, and it has been altered to make it easier to cast (the three arms should be some distance from the central column).
The overall effect is good.  Because I rushed these, I neglected to clean them up, and there are several small bubble holes and a few bobbles that could have been removed, especially on the Moisture Vaporator.  I got both sets and there are plenty more pieces to take my time over.

Briefly, I undercoated with Vallejo Surface Primer (white) and  then painted in the recesses with Vallejo Game Color Cold Grey.  I then painted the raised areas in VGC Wolf Grey before painting on a heavy edge highlight of white.  Once everything was dry I drybrushed heavily with white.  The crates were done the same way, the broken pillar they are resting against was basecoated VGC Earth and highlighted up to VGC Khaki with a drybrush of VGC Off White.  They were easy to paint, though I admit I could have done better if I hadn't been rushing.  Whilst there are a few flaws on some of the pieces, I accept that I could have cleaned these up if I hadn't rushed, so its not a criticism I lay at Combatzone, just my hasty preparation (or lack of it).  They are exceptional value for the price.

The thugs gather round a Moisture Vaporator

Rebels use supplies as cover

I chose these pieces as being quite recognisably 'Star Wars' in style, though they'll work in other games like Deadzone I'm sure. 

By the way, if you like Star Wars gaming, Heroic Maps (whose stuff I regularly use) are having a Star Wars sale.  Tempting, especially if I ever get any Savage Worlds Star Wars done.


  1. Very useful pieces and a great paint job. How would they scale against the 20mm Micro Machines figures?

    1. Thanks.
      I'll check with some 20mm stuff tomorrow.


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