Monday, 17 May 2021

Progress With Inkarnate

 Last week I mentioned my shift from Dundjinni to Inkarnate and the reasons behind it. Well I've spent a bit of time experimenting and getting some idea how it works in between decorating and helping my youngest move.

Inkarnate themselves have some very useful tutorials on YouTube, the first one is here, and I real like what I can do so far.

So here's a map I did today for the first session in a new D&D campaign.  It took me about an hour, which is much faster than I could have produced anything with Dunjinni. I'm sure I'll get faster with familiarity and practice.


I've sized it to fit nicely on the 25 x 25 square pane on Roll20, but there is potential to do much bigger battlemaps (30 x 40 I believe).  I used the 'watercolor battlemaps' artwork.  There are plenty of stamps available, including the rather neat wrecked ship! I'm sure I will do better once I've got more experience, but I'm very happy with this for an early attempt, it certainly does the job.


  1. The map looks great, lots of potential there.

    1. Thanks. It's fun software to play with


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

For the past 48 days my hobby time has been dedicated to Dave Stone's Paint What You Got Challenge . I decided early on to use it as a s...