Thursday, 16 July 2020

How I Paint Mantic Kings of War Orcs - Part 4, Shading/Washing

Continuing my step-by-step guide to painting orcs.  You can find part 1, assembly, here, part 2, basecoats, here, and part 3, highlights, here.

Last time the orcs were looking a bit garish, with bold, bright highlights. The shading wash tones down these extreme highlights and adds additional shading.

When I first started painting Kings of War armies I was also first using Army Painter Quickshade dip. I found the results good enough to get an army done pretty quickly, and used it on my old orc army, the few units of goblins I have done, and my previous demo armies of undead and dwarves.  It does need some care not to flood detail, and I soon decided that brushing it on gave more control than just dipping.

When Army Painter released Quickshade washes I tried those, and preferred them as they were easier to control and even permitted different shades to be used on different parts of a mini. I still wanted to varnish, though.

Experimenting with 15mm minis (see my League of Rhordia, my Greeks and my Ogres) led me to try lightening the shade, eventually I settled on a 50:50 mix of Strongtone and Softtone.  This smooths out the harsh highlights, adds depth and avoids the dark, dirty look that some of my minis are guilty of.

Anyway, here are the orcs with their shade wash done.  The VEO Heavy Grey hasn't quite worked as well as I would have liked this time, I will admit to rushing the highlighting stage a bit, but I'm pleased overall.

Now there are just a few details to paint in that would have been obscured by the shade wash, then varnishing, basing etc.

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