Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Kings of War Historical Greeks

I've mentioned a few times that I painted some Greeks last year.  It's long past time I showed them off.
I started with some old Chariot (now Magister Militum) Greeks left over from my 15mm Warhammer Ancient Battles days.  I used to have what seemed a sizable army for that system, but interest declined (partly due to the second edition, which neither myself or my opponent liked).
I bought Kings of War Historical when it came out but did nothing with it, but when I got on to my 15mm KoW League of Rhordia, I started wondering about KoWH in 15mm.  As you know, this became quite a thing, including working with Merlin to produce Clash!, our small scale KoWH system, and getting in quite a few battles before the interest fairy flitted elsewhere.

Anyway, enough waffle, suffice it to say I got more of the Magister Militum Greeks, especially the Hoplites, as they rank up nicely into phalanx formation, and I tried out some of the newer Forged In Battle light troops from Westwind.  These are great, lots of variety and character.  I'll replace my older single pose light troops with more of these over time.

 Forged in Battle slingers and javelins flanking some older Chariot/Magister Militum (Cretan) archers.

Two hoplite phalanxes with hero.
The whole army so far including a troop of cavalry and various single miniatures to use as objectives or heroes.

When I look at the army set out like that, I've probably got more than I had for WAB.  They are certainly better painted, and nicer looking as an army as well.  I had a mixture of different minis, including some poorly detailed (but cheap) hoplites.  I can't remember the manufacturer, and if I could, I wouldn't inflict them on anyone else.

I've got some more hoplites, including a couple of phalanxes of light hoplites, still to paint, and I'd like to get some more light troops and maybe some more cavalry.  As I said, the inspiration fairy has moved on for now, but I'm sure I'll be expanding this army before the year is out.

Oh, and this is my 250th post.  Not much compared to some blogs, but I'm pleased to have kept it going for so long.  Now all I need is a few more followers.


  1. Well done on 250 posts. The Greeks look great.

    1. Thanks. I do need to add some more phalanxes though.


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