Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Kings of War/Vanguard Naiads 1

I've got some paint on the Naiads I showed here.  They are currently mostly basecoated.
As I mentioned, I am using these four as test models for paint schemes; they will also be part of a Trident Realms Vanguard force (or Forces of Nature, I suppose).  I had some ideas for colours before I started.  I wanted very light coloured armour (the official Mantic Naiads have this, and I think it works).  I didn't want the same skin colour though, something more alien perhaps?
Also, given that I have loads of these to paint if I am going to have a decent sized army, I was looking for a colour scheme that would be quick to paint; that means something that will look good with just a wash on top of a base coat, with possibly one highlight for heroes (I can always go to town on single minis later).

In order to test this without painting loads of minis I used the remains of the sprue. I undercoated  several arms and tried combinations of various pale colours such as bone for the armour, and varieties of greens and blues for the flesh.  In the end I chose the colour scheme shown below.  It's VGC Glacier Blue for the armour and Army painter Turquoise for the flesh.  With a coat of AP Soft Tone wash it gives a result I am happy with.  The blue tint to the armour, when washed, takes it away from the bone look that a lot of my trails gave, and I like the turquoise skin, with the wash it has a greyish tone which reminds me of sea creatures.  If I want a bit more definition I can always give it a highlight before washing.

Here are the four test minis, with the base coats pretty much done.  All that's left are the quivers on the Heartpiercers and various bits of belt and strapping.  I've painted the 'hair' and the nets the same colour at the moment.  I imagine the nets to be made of a tough seaweed, and I'll give them a browner tint with washes and lighten the green with a highlight.  the 'hair' will be washed to move it more to a bluer tone.  Metal is bronze or gold, steel would be useless for sea dwelling creatures.  I may go over some of the shell decorations on the armour in silver though, to give a difference between minis and eventually units.

I have to decide if I give the armour and flesh a highlight before washing.  Given that these are for Vanguard, and are likely to be looked at more closely, I probably will.  I may well skip this step when I am painting full units though.

The flash emphasises the blue-ness of the colours, it's not quite that extreme in real life.

And talking of full units, here are nine Ensnarers, built and undercoated.  This will make a troop.  I will do them in troops, its easy to put two together for a regiment (and I'll miss the command off troops intended for the backs of regiments), and easier for assembling on the base as well, though since I am building the base separately, that's not quite as big an issue as it was  with my orcs.


  1. Certainly looks like a good start to your force.

    1. Thanks. I am enjoying the painting, though not everything is working out as planned. The four Naiads are now gloss varnished. I'll put hem up once that is dry and they have some matt on them.
      Bases to do as well of course.
      I've also made a start on the nine shown in the last picture.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

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