Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Clash: small scale battles for KOWH

The pair of us have been busy working on a system to allow us to play small scale battles using the KOWH rules. Inspired by WAB's Border Patrol rules with an added chart to randomly select a scenario we present: 'CLASH'. Players get to choose a 500 point army and add a hero to lead them for free.


A set of guidelines to help create smaller battles with the Kings of War Historical rules. .
1: You may choose an army of not more than 500 points. Your points total may include the selection of one ‘Veteran’ ability to give to one of your units.

2: You may have a single Hero character from the Master List to lead your force (for free). He may be on foot or mounted as you wish, but you pay the extra points if he is mounted. Your hero also gains ’Inspiring’ for free.

3: Your force must consist of at least 3 units.

4:  You must include at least one regiment of 20 infantry (or 10 cavalry). You may select as many ‘troop’ size units as you wish. Hordes are not allowed. If you take a second regiment you may select another hero either from the master list or the army list, but unique Heroes (1) are not allowed unless specified by a scenario such as ‘Kill the King’. 

5: Your force should be a balanced force and should follow any army list restrictions.

6: Your force may not include war machines unless playing an agreed scenario that involves capturing the enemy artillery for example.

7: All games are to be played on a 4’x3’ board, with the scenery being arranged by a neutral player or umpire. Players then dice for table edge, highest throw having the choice.

Quick Scenarios: For the length of a game throw 1xd6, score of 1,2 = 6 turns, 3,4 = 7 turns and 5,6 = 8 turns unless the game is decided earlier. Throw 1xD6 for scenario type…

1-2: Capture: forces vie for control of a vital bridge, ford, hill, temple, etc…Throw 1xd6, score of 1,2 = ford, 3 = bridge, 4 = crossroads, 5 = hill, 6 = temple/church. The piece of terrain being fought over must be placed as centrally on the table as possible.

3: Flank Attack: each force secretly assigns between 50 and 150 points of their strength as a flanking force and note which flank it is intended to arrive on. Units may not be split between the main group and the flanking force. At the start of turn 3, players may roll to see if their flanking force arrives, needing 4+ on a D6, adding +1 to your throw each subsequent turn until they arrive.

4-5: Meeting Engagement: deploy both forces up to 12” in and fight it out.

6: Ambush: one side is allowed to deploy one unit in Ambush anywhere in their own table half. The Ambusher must write down the position of the concealed unit. All other units deploy up to 12” in.

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