Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Scythian Cavalry part 2

As promised, another troop of my Scythians/Varangur.  Did you guess that they would be a women only unit?

These are more of my old WAB Scythian army, again with the paintwork touched up and a few extra details added.  
Searching through the tin of minis I realised I could make up units of women riders.  If grave goods are to be believed, the Scyth were equal opportunity fighters.  Some of the graves of women contain armour and weaponry like many of the men, some don't, suggesting that it was specific to the individual buried there, rather than a general cultural practice.  It has also been suggested that the practice of women fighting amongst the men gave the Greeks the idea of the Amazons.  If/when I put together a 'legendary' Scythian army then I will field these as Amazons; for now they are either Horse Archers or Scythian Horse Archers.  In KoWH these unit types are slightly different, each having their own good and bad points.  Perhaps the men will be one type and the women the other?
For KoW they are simply Varangur Horse Raiders.

Yesterday I asked if anyone knew the manufacturer.  Early answers on Facebook suggest possibly Donnington Miniatures.  More investigation is required, as their website has few pictures of their Scythian range, but if it's the case I will definitely be a rabbit of positive euphoria* as I can add some extra cavalry and heavy cavalry.  Not more horse archers, definitely not.  I have more than enough of those.

*a happy bunny


  1. Just found some images of the Donnington Scyth and they aren't the ones I have, quite a different style.
    So the search continues.

  2. And finally the mystery is solved. Falcon Figures UK.
    However, it seems as if they are now owned by a US company, and reading their facebook page there has been nothing new posted for some time, and a few negative comments about service.
    Hmmm, I might make do with what I have rather than send off an order over the pond.
    Anyone know a way around this?

  3. Not sure about how to get any figures but the ones you have painted look good. It looks like we are having an arms race?

    1. Could be:) Actually it does help keep me focused on this project rather than getting side tracked.
      That said, I did do some hobgoblins for D&D last night as well.


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