Friday, 4 May 2018

And A Warm Welcome To...

Hopefully my IT woes have been corrected, so I can get a bit more done on here without waiting (at last count) half an hour for one picture to load.

Another new project that I'm fitting in and among is a return to 15mm Ancients.  Back in the day I played this with Warhammer Ancient Battles, now, of course, I'm looking at Kings of War Historical.
I have an ulterior motive; I think my old Scythian army will also do nicely for the Varangur in Kings of War (see Uncharted Empires for this 'not Chaos Warriors' list)

My 'Partner in Crime' for this venture is Merlin, and he come up with the idea of adapting the old Border Patrol sized games for KoWH.  We've both done a bit of work for this; both designing a framework for the battles, and painting a small force to try them.

Therefore, it seemed a good idea to welcome Merlin onboard so we can showcase our progress and discuss the rules etc.

Look out for his posts, I'm sure he will have a lot to say.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the invite misterc. I should have a few photos of some painted hoplites very soon.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

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