Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Scythian Cavalry part 1

As Merlin has posted his progress with his Greeks, here is my opposing force.  I mentioned before that this is an army I had a long time ago.  Many of the minis are in poor shape (though surprisingly most of the spears are still intact).  I don't think I varnished my minis back then, I've learnt that lesson the hard way.  So 'painting' was largely repair work, though I did add some extra detail, such as some of the decoration on the clothing.

Here is the first unit (well, troop).  In KoWH they will be Cavalry, for my Varangur force in KoW they could be Mounted Sons of Korgaan, though I do have something else in mind for those at a later date.

There's not a lot to say about these; the paint jobs are fairly standard, little in the way of shading and mostly one highlight.  
I wish I could remember what make these are, as I would like a few more just to fill in the gaps. They are nice models,though the detail on the faces could be better, mind you faces are mostly covered by beards, so there's not much lost.

I do have loads more of the Scyth to be going on with, so there's plenty of time to hunt out reinforcements.  I might even get some infantry, though I am concentrating on all cavalry for now.

If you want to learn more about the Scythians the Osprey book "The Scythians 700 - 300 BC" by Dr E V Cernenko is a good place to start, indeed most of the range of minis I used are clearly based on the illustrations in that book.

Next time I'll show some of the riders who definitely don't have a beard problem.


  1. The Scythians look great, can't wait to give them a game. I wonder if they are Lancashire Games figures?

  2. I really don't know. They are around 20 ish years old and IIRC the company that made them had pretty much this one range. In some respects they are old fashioned, having less detail than we are used to these days. However, for me, they capture the feel of the army nicely.

    1. I've had a quick look on the Lancashire Games website and can't see anything like it now. That doesn't mean they didn't used to do them of course, but I don't think it's their work.


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