Monday, 21 May 2018

Scythian Cavalry part 4

I'm still playing around with the new light box, and I think I need a bit more light.  Still, here is the latest Scythian unit.

This is a troop of Heavy Cavalry, the best cavalry KoWH allows, barring special types.  Strictly they aren't available to the Scythians, according to their themed list (page 80), however, I have a few issues with those themes. Certainly the archaeological evidence suggests a cadre of heavily armoured and well equipped, probably noble, cavalry.  They may not be as well protected as a 15th century knight, but against contemporary foes, they should be pretty tough.  Also KowH doesn't allow bows for the heavier cavalry (balance issues probably), though it is thought that just about every Scythian carried a bow.  I'll ignore them for the purposes of the game, but I have included a bow firing model in the troop.

If you've looked at Merlin's 'Clash' ideas (if not, why not?) then you will realise that I am missing the free hero and the mandatory regiment.  Those are next on the painting table (assuming I can resist the lure of more D&D monsters).

For KoW Varangur I'll use these as Mounted Sons of Korgaan.  Fun Fact; Kurgan is not only the name of the adversary in the first Highlander film, but also the name given to the burial mounds in which the Scythians buried their dead, and which provide a feat of archaeological treasures and evidence.  This similarity in names helped me decide to use Scythians for my Varangur.
I'll need a few more units for the 1000 points I am aiming at for my Varangur.  I am investigating the possibilities for a mounted wizard, and there are a few historical types that would fit in well with the theme.  I'd also like a few extra units, just to give some variety when choosing a force.

1 comment:

  1. Nice bit of history there and how it can help to inspire fantasy themed armies too.
    We still need a group shot.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

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