Tuesday, 14 July 2020

How I Paint Mantic Kings of War Orcs - Part 2, Basecoats

I'm working my way step by step through another unit of orc Skulks to demonstrate how I go about painting them.  Part 1 showing assembly can be found here.

Once the undercoat was dry, I got the orcs basecoated.  I have an order in which I do things, sort of sub processes I suppose, I've found it helps to organise myself like this.

First I paint the skin tones.  I use three different base colours, Vallejo Game Extra Opaque Heavy Blackgreen, Vallejo Game Color Sick Green and VGC Goblin Green.
Then the armour and other metal items in VGC Gunmetal Metal.  After this stage is an excellent time for a cuppa.

Then I paint the cloth in a combination of four colours, either VGC Gory Red, VGC Sombre Grey, VEO Heavy Siena or VEO Heavy Grey. I pretty much randomly assign colours to different bits of different models, though I try to avoid having similar posed models having too similar colour schemes. Another short rest for a cuppa and a biscuit, then on with the details.

As these were skulks and I wanted them to look less well armoured that other orcs I painted some of the armour plates in VGC Charred Brown.  I also painted the fur capes VGC Cold Grey.  All belts, straps etc were painted VGC Leather Brown and wooden items were painted VGC Desert Yellow.
Cloth items such as bags, pouches and the wraps around the orcs' ankles were painted in VGC Khaki, horns, teeth and nails and some of the skulls decorating the armour were painted VGC Bonewhite.
I painted the feathers and knife handles Vallejo Model Color German Grey and added some details such as metal studs in VGC Bright Bronze.  I often paint random armour plates or decorative detail in bronze for my other orc units, but I wanted to emphasise the lightly armoured nature of the Skulks.

Once everything has been given a good amount of drying time I wash the metals with VGC Black Wash, and since I wanted the leather armour to look dark, I gave those bits the black wash as well.

Then it's drying time, and on to the next stage, highlights.


  1. Good work on those skulks and interesting to read about how you go about painting your figures.

  2. Thanks, I hope people find it useful

  3. Nice write up.

    Vallejo Extra Opaque range!? I wasn't aware of these and need to investigate.

    Are they sold at a certain store in Brighouse, per chance?

    - The Other One

    1. Thanks.
      I've not found the Extra Opaque range at Boyes in Brighouse, I got mine at the York branch some years ago. I would think it's available online, e.g.on eBay.
      In some respects the paints are like the old Citadel Foundation range; good strong colours.


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