Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Fighting Apathy 7- Mantic Kings of War Orcs Morax

The final unit for the orc demo army is a troop of Morax. As I'm not using full model count (10) I can get away with 8 orcs, which nicely fits into how I have been chunking the project.
Mantic do a Morax set, indeed I have one somewhere, but for this I felt I could manage with just the ordinary plastic orcs, as I have done previously when building my original orc army.

The orc Greatax sprue has some empty left arms, though these are mostly designed to hold a pole weapon across the body. The Ax sprue has no separate empty left arms, but one of the bodies has an attached left arm with an open hand. I used a few of these bodies, but also cut the left arm off to use on other bodies (the donor bodies will come in useful when I next build some Skulks). I have enough Mantic orcs that I don't lack for spare axes, though I did cut down a greataxe for a bit of variety on one of the models.

Once built the painting was just like the rest of the infantry. I suppose I should do a step by step guide on this sometime, leave a comment if you are interested.

The whole troop

The front rank

The rear rank

So that's all the orcs painted.  They still need basing of course; I'll show off the whole army once I've done that.


  1. Looking forward to seeing your Orcs all based up.

  2. I love the (unit champion?) 5th from the left in the top photo, with his natty hat.

    They look REALLY good MisterC.

    Yes please - I'd like to see post detailing the painting step-by-step :)

    -The Other One

    1. Thanks.
      I'll do another unit and write up each stage. A good excuse for more orcs.


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