Wednesday, 15 July 2020

How I Paint Mantic Kings of War Orcs - Part 3, Highlights

Continuing my step-by-step guide to painting orcs.  You can find part 1, assembly, here, and part 2, basecoats, here.

Once everything is dry I add the highlights.  Because we are going to add a shading wash afterwards, they don't have to be too subtle, they need to stand out.  In fact, after this stage they should look a bit garish.

I add the highlights in pretty much the same order that I painted the basecoat. So starting with the flesh, the VEO Blackgreen is highlighted with VGC Sick Green.  Where Sick Green is the basecoat, I highlight with VGC Goblin Green with a touch of VGC Escorpena Green (Livery Green is a good substitute).  The Goblin green gets a highlight of pure Escorpena Green.
The Gunmetal Metal is highlighted with VGC Chainmail Silver.  As the armour etc has already been given a black wash this is more of an edge highlight on armour plates and blade edges.

Gory Red is highlighted with VGC Bloody Red, Sombre Grey with VGC Steel Grey, Heavy Siena with VGC Beasty Brown and Heavy Grey with VGC Dead Flesh.

Leather armour plates are edge highlighted with VGC Earth, and the various leather straps etc with VGC Plague Brown.  Khaki cloth items are highlighted with VGC Bonewhite, and horns, large armour skulls etc in VGC Off White.  Wooden items are given some streaks of VGC Khaki to represent wood grain, but I'll admit to not being very good at this.  Any large bronze items are highlighted with VGC Glorious Gold, but I don't bother with small stuff like the studs.

Last time I forgot to add some dark shade to the furs.  A line of Army Painter Dark Tone (or other similar wash) gives the fur a more realistic look, as many animals have darker fur down their spines.
The fur was then drybrushed with VGC Stonewall Grey.

Once everything is dry, it probably looks a bit of a mess.  The wash will bring everything together, trust me, part 4 is here.

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