Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Fighting Apathy 6 - Mantic Kings of War Orcs - Gore Riders

I planned to split this unit into two halves, the gores then the riders, to keep it manageable.  In practice, I painted each up to the highlight stage separately, then glued the riders in place ready to wash them and varnish them as one piece.  This gave better shading from the wash, and the all-over coat of varnish helps keep everything in one place.

Again the painting process was pretty straight-forward.  I pondered what colours and design to do on the shields, in the end taking the skull from the standard top as the design, as it ties in thematically with the ax regiment too.  To mix things up a bit I went for a black skull on a red field. These days I tend to paint shield designs over the gloss varnish as I find the smooth surface helps with any details, not that I'm claiming any great freehand skills. Everything is then sealed by the final coat of matt varnish.

The whole regiment 

The command orcs, the leader has a plastic head from the orc ax sprue to make him stand out a bit more.

As with other units I used varnish drying time to begin the preparation, so while the trolls and krudger were drying, these were being assembled and primed. 

Now I only have the morax to finish, they are already undercoated and if I can keep the same pace up, should be done by the end of the week.

After that, basing, and I have a few experiments to carry out before I start on that.

And there's always the dwarf opponents to paint.  Do I start afresh, as I have done with these orcs, or simply add to my previous dwarf army?

EDIT: You can see them finally based here.


  1. Nice work once again, looking forward to seeing all these based properly and ready to play. Makes me want to paint some KOW stuff.
    Common sense says to expand upon your existing dwarves as long as you can match the painting style?

  2. Thanks, basing next.
    I did have grand plans to paint up a dwarf force that would work just as well as Free Dwarves, so round shields, lighter colours etc. However, I'll start on the Brock riders as that's a unit I don't yet have, and then see about the rest.
    It certainly makes sense to reuse what I've already done.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

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