Sunday, 26 March 2023

Basing Kings of War Orcs 2

I showed the first two of my new Orc army finally based here. The Trolls and Gore Riders require a slightly different technique because they don't have any bases attached.  These two units are some of the ones I had great basing plans for, but in the end I've gone for the same method as the Goblins I did way back in 2015.
Regiments of Gore Riders and Trolls

Essentially I textured and decorated the bases before adding the magnetic sheet, then pinned and glued the minis in place. I used the same style of ruined stonework and the same gloop as the Skulks and Ax units.  I wasn't sure what to add to the bases, but I found a nice bit of cornicing in my collection of ex fish tank ornaments which looked just right for a troll to stand on.  The pavement on the Gore Riders base was inspired by some of the ruins dotted around Hyrule in Breath of the Wild.
Bases textured and decorated ready for the minis

If you're pinning minis on bases it's good practice to drill straight through the base from the top. Sand the bottom flat again, then countersink the underside.  Simply use a much bigger drill bit, the end should be good enough for countersinking.  You don't want to go too deep here, just about 1mm (ish).  I find that the drill bit can be twisted just using my fingers - all you are doing is slightly enlarging the hole. This allows you to trim the wire off neatly flush with the base and avoid nasty sharp ends sticking out. It also means you can drop a bit of superglue into the hole to help keep the pins secure.  You'll probably have to sand it lightly again before adding the magnetic sheet to bring any superglue level with the base. 

Underside of trolls' base showing countersunk holes filled with superglue

I added the static grass after the minis were glued in place, partly so I could cover any messy areas with vegetation. I used the same colours as the two previous units here, and again tried to show the grass becoming less healthy as the army tramples over it.

If you missed me painting these units you can find the trolls here, and the Gore Riders here.


  1. ok.,not gonna lie these look better than Wizkids orcs and that has me in a bind. i wanna get an army of these just for a massive D&D encounter. and theres even boarboyz!! lol.
    great job on these.

    1. Thanks. I like them.
      As for D&D orcs I did a post a while back where I looked at the best orcs available.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

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