Monday, 29 June 2020

Fighting Apathy 5 - Mantic Kings of War Krudger and Trolls

The demo orc army continues apace.

I assembled the trolls and the Kruder whilst earlier minis were drying.  I use yacht varnish to give a good clear protective coat, and it needs a good 24 - 48 hours to dry properly.

As with the orcs, I've given the trolls different skin tones.  Rather than use the 'basecoat, highlight, wash' technique, I've painted these in a more traditional manner, with a certain amount of blending for the highlights.  If anything, I think they look a bit too clean, and I may add some rust to the metal later.
As with the rest of the army, everything is getting based at the end.

The orc army set I got doesn't contain a Krudger to lead them, but it does have a Flagger.  I've already got a couple of Flaggers in my old orc army, and a couple of the Krudgers too (you can see one of them here in my Vangard warband) so I used the Flagger body as the base for a Krudger conversion for a bit of variety.  Nothing too spectacular; just swap the flag for a plastic arm with axe and the hand with a sword for a plastic hand with shield.  Both the flag and the sword are separate parts, so no cutting of the metal required, though the new plastic arms both required some trimming to fit, and I had to rebuild the elbow armour on his right arm with greenstuff. I was going to add some plasticard spikes and riveted on repaired sections, like the shields carried by the gore riders, but I couldn't find my plasticard.  I may go back and add something later to make the shield a bit more impressive. At some point I'll also use the metal flag and sword on a plastic orc body to make another, slightly different, Flagger.

As with the trolls, I used washes and tried blending highlights on the Krudger. There's nothing too spectacular about him.  The cloak  is lighter than I had planned, but I rather like it now.

He has a friend as well.  I've held off from painting any orclings in the past as I felt they were a bit on the small side for me to do them justice.  However, I realised that they are pretty much the same size as the red goblins I have been happily painting for my 15mm ogres, so I simply used the same techniques on this cheeky chap.  I do like the pose, mooning the enemy while safely close to his boss, and I might even use some of his friends as red goblins when I go back to that army. 

That's four of the six 'slots' of the demo army painted, though all the basing is still to do.  The remaining two units, gore riders and morax, are built and I have already started painting them while the gloss varnish was drying on the trolls.

EDIT: You can see these jolly chaps finally based here.


  1. The Mantic Orcs are really good so I am looking forward to meeting your new units, I am, not too fond of the trolls but then I could always shoot them to bits or blast them with magic.

    1. I do like the troll design. The odd proportions mean they don't just look like big people.

  2. Excellent progress. I like the various skin tones on the Trolls and that orcling is hysterical! - The Other One

    1. Thanks, the orclings are fun. I must paint up a load to make a regiment of them sometime soon, and they'll do nicely as 15mm red goblins too.


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