Tuesday, 14 March 2023

MESBG Haradrim Battle Company

I've finished the initial eight Haradrim warriors for my Battle Company.  You can see my test model here, and I've already used the company before completion here.

Still, they are fully painted now, though I may go back and add a few little details at some point.  I kept pretty close to the test colour scheme.  Dark red jacket, off white trousers and shirt and turban, and details in lighter red and purple.  I'm using purple as an indicator of importance, so each of the two 'sergeants' has a purple keffiyeh.  The captain is the rather fancy Mumak herder from the plastic kit, I must have got him in a random eBay lot, so he certainly stands out.

I chose to give them all dark skin, starting with a base coat of Vallejo Game Extra Opaque Heavy Siena, then added Vallejo Model Color Orange Brown and finally VMC Sunny Skin Tone to highlight.  It's not the best result, but there is so little skin showing that it works.

Once painted and varnished I used Geek Gaming Scenics Base Ready Fields of New Zealand.  Given where the films were shot, this seemed to be a good choice.  I did think about a more desert base, but it made sense for us both to use the dame basing method.  My reasoning is that the games take place along the edges of the Fiefdoms.  They'll work well for games set in Gondor as well.  A few tufts to fancy the base up and they are done.

I'm very pleased with how these came out.  They are perhaps a bit more regimented than I initially set out to do, but I think I'll paint up the remaining five warriors from the sprue in the same sort of colour scheme.  I'll experiment with different schemes if I need any more beyond this*

I'm hoping that after the next game I'll gain enough experience to promote some of the warriors (to Raiders/cavalry I think) or even some Influence Dice to recruit some more warriors, so that will mean more painting.  Meanwhile I'm looking at my terrain collection and putting together some Middle Earth themed scenery.  

*Technically, since the maximum size of the Battle Company is twelve, I shouldn't, but I'd like to paint up new models for any replacements rather than reuse existing minis, at least up to a maximum of twenty four.

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