Thursday, 23 March 2023

Secure the Gauntlet - MESBG Battle Companies Game 2

We played the second game in our Battle Companies campaign recently.
There was a chance that my leader, Qayid, would be absent due to his old battle wound, but fortunately he was ok to fight.
We rolled Secure the Area and used a treasure token depicting a magical gauntlet (hence the name we gave the game).

This scenario has an interesting set up, each model rolls to turn up on a random table edge.  This leads to battle companies being spread out and separated, though you have choice where on a table edge they deploy.
My Haradrim deploy along the centre of the near table edge and in the top right corner.  The Fiefdoms are high-ish up the right table edge and in the top left corner (off the photo)

Qayid leads a spearman through the woods to try and ambush the Fiefdoms troops, having lost Sayaad (one of the sergeants) to a lucky shot early in the game.

Haradrim attempt to hold a strongpoint in the ruins, hopefully close enough to the objective for a last minute dash.

The fight near the wood hots up, and the Blackroot Vale archer behind the wall picks of Haradrim.  the Knight, safe in his amour, takes on the Haradrim in the ruins.

Shawish, the other Harad sergeant tries to make it to the fight in time

One Pikeman and one Spearman down

The Knight calmly finishes off the archer

At this point my battle company was broken, and Qayid, sensing the way things were going, fled.  The game ended after this turn

One of the Blackroot Vale archers had moved up close enough to the gauntlet to claim victory.

This was another fun game.  The random nature of deployment meant that it was harder for me to bring my superior numbers to bear, and I completely failed to either play the scenario (I was worried that superior Fiefdoms archery would have stopped me claiming the prize) or coordinate any concerted attack.  This is something I'm going to have to work at.

The Knight is now even better at fighting, and one of the Archers can shoot better.  I gained one reinforcement (a spear armed warrior), but lost one of my bowmen, so I'm still at eight minis, and I'd better get another spearman painted.
So far the campaign is great fun, I'm looking forward to the next game.  I'm pretty much guaranteed some advancement after the next game, and I might even gain an 'underdog bonus' so I may get another reinforcement roll.
I have another spearman to paint, actually, I've got four more minis in the process of being painted.  I'm also assembling a terrain box for our Middle Earth games, though the tower has slipped through a rift from Hyrule.  I aim to add some more trees to the collection, and some ruins and areas of broken ground.


  1. Sounds like a fun game. Tempts me to give the system another go.

    1. I enjoy it. I think it has one of the best campaign systems. Depending on the Battle Companies, it can get a bit unbalanced, and some are more powerful than others.
      I do think that the MESBG is fine for this scale of games, but becomes unwieldy if you try to do big battles


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