Sunday, 5 March 2023

A Quick Game of MESBG

I've started a Battle Companies campaign with my son.  There's more about the whys and wherefores in my post with the test model for my company here.
It's been some time since I played (over three years ago, against Bodvoc), and even longer since my son played, so we thought a quick skirmish to refresh the rules was in order.
We've neither of us quite finished the painting of the initial companies, and I didn't have much terrain to hand, but we had fun, and found that it came back to us pretty quickly.

We aren't counting this as part of the campaign, but it came down to Courage tests, which the Feifdom's failed before Harad had to take any (one disadvantage of having Priority).  I had an amazingly lucky bow shot against one of the enemy archers, and a much less lucky shot into a melee, taking out one of my own spearmen.  Such is life in the Serpent Horde!

I've got some details to paint, and basing, varnishing etc, and I'll collect together some Middle Earth appropriate terrain.  Hopefully the campaign will be up and running very soon.

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