Documenting my hobby; painting modelling and playing fantasy roleplaying and tabletop games.
Sunday, 31 January 2021
January's Painting
Friday, 29 January 2021
Reaper Bones 77512 Flesh Golem - Palette Cleanser 2
Tuesday, 19 January 2021
Painting 40K Orks and a Bit of History
Monday, 11 January 2021
Kings of War Ogres (an revision of an original post from 2018)
Saturday, 9 January 2021
Reaper Bones 77351 Cultist: Palette Cleanser 1
Thursday, 7 January 2021
Palette Cleanser
Tuesday, 5 January 2021
Clone Troopers for Fistful of Lead Galactic Heroes
Here are the opposition for the villains I painted in December. Again they are old Wizards of the Coast pre-painted Star Wars minis. Between us, my son and I seem to have a lot of Clone Troopers, including some rather nice vehicles, so I can see quite a few turning up in games of Galactic Heroes. Who knows, maybe even in the 'Bigger Battles' rules?
After cleaning up the minis and removing the integral bases I gave them all a good wash. I glue wire into the feet to make it easy to hold the minis during painting and to pin them into the base once finished.
I followed a paint scheme by Sonic Sledgehammer (check out his stuff, its good), he's painting Stormtroopers, but the principle is the same. Rather than using one of the recommended spray undercoats I mixed VGC Dead White with a little VGC Glacier blue and some VMC Satin Varnish. The varnish helps to give a smooth surface for the Contrast paints.
Then a basecoat of GWC Apothacarian White followed with a white drybrush. The WotC minis are smaller than modern day minis, especially the newer Star Wars Legion stuff, and the relief is less, but the Contrast paint seems to work. I used GWC Black Templar for the bits of the black undersuit that shows ath knees, shoulders, gloves etc, as well as weapons and equipment. As suggested by Sonic Sledgehammer, I gave the guns a further coat of GWC Basilicanum Grey. A bit of research on Wookieepedia suggested that sergeants may at some point have had green detailing, and heavy weapons troops may have had blue. I used more traditional methods and various Vallejo paints, for these. They were then gloss varnished, and a final coat of satin varnish gives the right look to the finished armour.
I'm very pleased with how well these came out. Using Contrast paints seems to do the job, though they do need the drybrush for the highlights. I may try some more Clone Troopers using a more traditional white with grey wash, as I did with the Star Saga lab technicians here, to compare the two methods.
Friday, 1 January 2021
Fingers Crossed for 2021
With the understanding that these are difficult and unpredictable times, here are my goals for 2021.
My first target is to finish a crew of Clone Troopers to go up against the various aliens I painted here. That will give me two crews to try the rules out. I've already begun them, and I'm experimenting with Citadel's Contrast paints, I'm waiting to get some Black Templar to finish them off. I may eventually build some terrain, possibly desert planet themed, but for now my existing terrain will be fine, I've certainly got plenty of useable stuff from Deadzone.
I got Armada for Christmas, so I'll try and get a couple of ships built and painted to try out the rules. I'll probably go for something close to the colour schemes in the book. I've seen some nice effects using Contrast paints for the timbers, so I may experiment with that.
Since I've gone to all the trouble of actually painting an orc army, I should really get them based, and I have a unit of dwarf cavalry that need finishing so I can get some opposition for the orcs in my demo set. I may eventually paint the whole dwarf force anew, but for now I think I'll just raid my existing dwarf army. Whilst I'm starting the year doing very small projects with no larger goal, I'd like to get this demo set finished, I know several people who would like to borrow it.
As part of the sorting out exercise I found a box of Deadzone orcs. I'd like to replace the orcs I did here with a new and more complete team. I gave the painted ones away to encourage a friend to play Deadzone, I hope he uses them. I'll use the same colour scheme, but I'll use the techniques I used for the orc demo army (basecoat, extreme highlight and wash). Once I've got a team I'm happy with I'll see about finding the rest a new home; its a very full box, containing pretty much every Mantic Marauder model bar some of the newest ones. There are vague rumours about a revamp of Warpath, or at least of Firefight, but any playtesting has been put on hold for this year, so there won't be any need for a horde of orcs any time soon.
I'll also get some paint on the ASoIaF Wildlings and Night's Watch I built last year. I have enough for two teams for FfoL, though as we await the fantasy version there may be some slight changes in team building. I'd also like to look at building and painting some Riverlands troops. It's an interesting area in the history of Westeros, being the the scene of many skirmishes during the reign of Rob, the Young King in the North, there's also the potential for action during Robert's Rebellion, as the Tully's had to quell dissent among some of their bannermen before supporting Robert. There's also the fact that the blue and red of the Tullys looks a lot like some of the Yorkist forces in the Wars of the Roses, though I won't be playing any historical games with them.
The idea is that eventually I will have enough minis to play larger games using Dragon Rampant or even Never Mind the Billhooks. That seems like a long term goal though.
I've also decided that between each mini project I'll grab a random Reaper Bones mini and paint it. I've boxes of part and unpainted Bones and this will go a small way towards reducing the number. It'll also give me a chance to practice finer techniques that I might not use on groups of minis, where appropriate, and I hope it will help me regain that sense of achievement from painting just for the sake of painting, rather than for a target.
I'm also going to redo some of the pictures on the blog. Whenever I have a particular mini or group of minis to hand, I'll re photograph them where possible (obviously I won't be able to redo step-by-step guides), so there isn't a plan to this. I'll post a mention along with a link, whenever I do this.
I think that's ambitious enough for the current times. I hope I'll eventually get some face-to-face games in, which will inevitably give me a purpose to my hobby time, but when that will be, who knows?
If and when we do get some games in, I'm looking forward to trying some of the Fistful of Lead games and it would be great to finish the Eiras Contract for Star Saga, which should get me finishing the furniture. Once we can get back to the D&D I'm sure there will be more minis and terrain to prepare. I'd like to get some games of Armada in, so I suppose I'll need to get all the ships painted. I'm telling myself that I don't need to collect any more fleets as and when they become available, though if something really great comes sailing by...
Finally, I really should get at least a 750 point Trident Realm force painted, its getting embarrassing by now.
Space Hulk; MEGAforce Board Game Night
The recent MEGAforce evening saw a return to a Games Workshop classic from 1989, Space Hulk. What is Space Hulk? The game pits small squads...
I should apologise to Merlin/Bodvoc; I mentioned last post that I was painting an elf next, well, he is an elf, but an undead one. This min...
I received a copy of the Magic the Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers board game the other day. I have seen a lot of posts on forums sugg...
One of the main reasons for choosing 6mm orcs for an Orctober project was that I have a lot already painted (loads unpainted as well, of cou...