Friday, 7 June 2024

Did you catch my Drift?

Recently I teased about a target for my Oldhammer orc collection. 
I was, of course, referring to Bloodbath at Orc's Drift.

The Best Scenario Pack Ever?
I've waffled on about the second edition scenario packs at length before, Orc's Drift especially. I suspect that a lot of this is simply nostalgia kicking in, but they have become a standard I measure a set of rules by - if I could play Orc's Drift with the same sense of enjoyment I had back then, then the rules must be good.

Now I should say that I'm unlikely to ever play Orc's Drift using second edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle. A while ago I looked at adapting it for Dragon Rampant in 15mm, and I could still do that in 28mm. I might also look around at other systems to see if they give the same enjoyment that I remember from my early games. Mostly it's a goal to aim for; collecting and painting some, or all of the orc clans and maybe also the Good alliance.

Collecting the Forces
When Orc's Drift was released GW did a miniatures deal. All the minis you'd need to play the scenarios for what now seems a ridiculous £90. Of course I never bought them back then, oh for a time machine! There were a few new sculpts for the campaign, but the bulk were taken from Citadel's existing ranges and I wonder if they used this as an opportunity to clear out some less popular stock?

Making Compromises
I'm going to have to make some substitutions. The miniature of Hagar Sheol was sculpted specially for the pack. He's the only scenario specific miniature on the orc's side ( the good guys get rather more). He's understandably rare, much sought after, and expensive. I can't currently find him on eBay, and I am informed that he last sold for 'silly money'. When just the ordinary minis used as the villagers at Linden Way are fetching around £20, one can only guess what this might be*.
There are also instances of characters where I already have something that I consider at least as good. 
As for the rank and file orcs, the campaign features three tribes; forty with spears, twenty with spears and ten with bows (and ten hobhounds) and thirty with spears and ten with bows.  I'm certainly not intending on finding 90 spear armed orcs, I'll continue collecting small units, some of which may well have spears, but there'll also be orcs with two handed weapons, and just ordinary sword, axe or club armed troops.
I'm also planning on collecting a few extras that don't feature in the original scenarios. I already have a war machine or two (they would certainly have made a difference at Kachas Pass) and I've a few goblins to add too. I believe the campaign background mentions a goblin army providing a feint elsewhere, so I'm fine with that.
I'm not even sticking to GW minis. There are some very nice alternatives out there, often much cheaper. At some point I may well send off to Eorbis, or whoever does the Black Tree Design minis now. Some of their orcs are exactly right to stand alongside the old GW stuff.

I will also use the scenario pack as a source for painting, though not everything is detailed, and realistically I'm not going to be able to match Gary Chalk's lovely banner designs. I'll be sticking with my idea of the orcs using wargear taken from their foes and putting their tribal icons on the shields. The command sheets give some ideas for these icons, and I've already started with the Severed Hand with the orc archers here.

So here are the orc heroes. I showed most of them previously, but here I've included my version of Guthrum Mane, Hagar Sheol and Bagrash.

C15 (85-03 Cyclops) also the official mini for Fangor Gripe

I was never that convinced by the recommended Giant War Troll for Guthrum. With his fancy armour he looks too well equipped. I did recently see one for sale on a Facebook group, but I already have this C Giant. He's missing most of his weapon, but I'm sure that I can find something suitable.
C28 (87-02, Witherwattle, or Ninefingers body with 87-07 Gumsnapper head), my version of Guthrum Mane

Hagar was harder to replace. He's the only orc to have a complete full colour illustration, which also gives us a great shield design.  I've already used this design on one of the orc archers here.
But (see above) I'm never going to own him. I did remember a great mini called Dwarfsmiter; appropriate considering his tribe attack the dwarves at Ashak Rise. Sadly he doesn't have a shield, although I will investigate how he looks with one slung on his back. I found one as an 'or best offer' and since he doesn't have the Orc's Drift association I was able to snap him up for a reasonable price.
C15 (85-08 Dwarfsmiter) my version of Hagar Sheol

C15 (85-04 Warlord, or officer according to his tab) also the official mini for Grashak Kra

C15 (85-10, Maniac) also the official mini for Magyar Ironfist

The official mini for Bagrash is an armoured orc.  A nice mini for a leader, but not my idea of a shaman.  I got this chap very cheaply on eBay, so he's my choice.
ORC4 (OC10-Zigblogg Witchstaff), my version of Bagrash

I've never been impressed with the recommended King F'yar. He does crop up occasionally, but commands a high price. I do already own, a mini I bought in a job lot at least twenty years ago and never did anything with. This is a great opportunity to get him painted. That said, if I do find my old Hinchcliffe Models wyvern, as used when I played through the campaign over twenty years ago, I'll use that, purely for the memories.
Azhag the Slaughterer, my version of King F'yar

So there they are.  The orc heroes of Orc's Drift.  Now all I've got to do is paint them.  Regardless of whether I get to play the campaign, they'll make great characters for my Oldhammer orc collection.

*I've just seen Bromedir, leader of the elves at Orc's Drift for a starting price just under £50!  Whether he'll sell at that price is s different matter of course.


  1. You are certainly building up a great collection of Orcs. Orcs Drfit has to be played now.

    1. Thanks.
      Yes, I think it does. I doubt we'll be able to stage the first three games simultaneously this time, but I'm sure it will be fun.
      It will also encourage me to get some elves, dwarves and humans painted too

  2. the Azhag model is gonna look badass, cant wait to see it finished.
    i had the old Egrimm Van Horstmann/two headed chaos dragon model. loved the metal bodies - plastic wings. lol.
    I still love seeing classic figures that i never seen before.

    1. Yes, I'm looking forward to trying to get Azhag/F'yar painted. I rarely paint anything that big, so it'll be a challenge

  3. Amazing models, all of them have a lot of character - looking forward to seeing them painted! Azhag will be a perfect centrepiece for your orcs.

    1. Thanks, yes they are great. There's something about them that a lot of modern minis, for all their 3D sculpting details, lack.
      Azhag/F'yar will be great fun to paint, but I might need to work up to him.


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