Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Oldhammer Orc Villagers

Accidental Collecting
As I've gradually built up my old school orcs, I've ended up with a few of the Orc Villagers range, mostly in job lots.  These are Trish Carden's work rather than Kev Adams, who did the bulk of the warriors at the time.
I thought some of them would make entertaining unit fillers while I build up the clans; they don't carry shields, so aren't tied to any particular clan icons, and some of them are less than martial in their pose.  However, they were rather obscured by their previous paint job, so I wasn't completely sure what some of them were.

Revealed, three Oldhammer Orc villagers

Cleaning a handful up from the Dettol, I realised that one of them wasn't just an ordinary orc waving a bone around, he was a shaman, and will do nicely until I get round to painting my replacement Bagrash.

C15 (OV-05) Orc Shaman
Lovely pink bow in those plaits
Waving 'Da Bone ov Powa' *

To go with the shaman I chose a couple of the drinking orcs. All were straightforward to paint. The shaman has a nice selection of magical bits (or so he tells the rest of the tribe). I particularly like the pink bow in one of his plaits. Looking back, I wish I'd given him bright yellow hair/squig. I had planned on some tattoos, and blue seems to be the best colour on green skin, but would have been too much next to the hair. I did paint magic runes on the bone. Vallejo Extra Opaque Green with Vallejo Game Color Livery Green to give an indication of orcy power.

C15 (OV-01) Emotional Orc.  His brown beer bottle could do with being a bit brighter.  I need to trim the tuft in front of him so it isn't hidden

 A slightly later mini, 0508/16 chugging down a stoneware jar of something.  He needs another blast of matt varnish

Lovely minis, and again, a joy to paint (one day I'll get fed up of saying that).  I have a few more villagers, and I'll paint them up in and amongst the warriors.  They do make fun unit fillers, and some of them even make a nice little diorama, I've a couple more drinking orcs to go with these.

*I'm not a huge fan of GWs 'orcy speak', but it's recognisable to most readers.


  1. Lovely figures which add character to your army.

    1. Thanks, I'll use the shaman as such, the rest just fill in to bulk up units.
      I've got a few more ready for painting soon.

  2. Great work! I particularly like the runes on the shaman's bone.

    1. Thanks. I wanted to give him a touch of magic.


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