Tuesday, 16 April 2024


Well, not long ago I posted I'd reached 50000 views, and only a short while later my blog is over 75000. 

I'm aware that not all the views are genuine, but given how a topic is followed through various posts, I think many are. It's nice to think that people around the world are reading my words and sharing my hobby experiences.

Big Thank yous 
I'd like to thank everyone who reads it, especially folk who come back to see what's new. If you leave a comment, you're a real star, these show that fellow hobbyists are directly engaging with my content.
If you want to go even further, share my content with other hobbyists, and maybe think about subscribing.

Looking Ahead 
That out of the way, where is the blog heading in the future? I don't imagine there will be any major new projects. Whilst I'm not winding down my hobbying, I am reassessing what I paint and what I play. I'm part way through a massive sort out and clear out of all my stuff, as I've discussed in several posts recently. I suspect that in a few months time I'll have a smaller collection, but one that's far more useable and (fingers crossed) with far more painted minis.

Oldhammer, or Old School, has been a big feature recently. However, this is a bit of a vanity project. Realistically I can't see myself going back to the original rule sets, but the minis may find a use in Dragon Rampant, and small groups of minis are always useful in skirmish games like Fistful of Lead or Frostgrave. I've also recently got interested in trying Rangers of the Shadow Deep. I'm sure that I'll find a use for some of the Old School minis, but it will also prompt me to get some of the VPoURB* done. I'll be trying RotSD with the MEGAforce once I've got the requirements for the first scenario done.

The VPoURB is an issue. As part of the sorting out exercise I'm once again looking at minis for D&D. Sadly, at the moment, I don't have a face to face group going, and I'm not sure that's likely in the near future. As I discussed during lockdown, I do seem to need a vague target for my hobby activities (even if it's just to ignore), and there just doesn't seem to be one for all this stuff.
To compound the issue, there'll be a big box of the latest Kickstarter Bones arriving soon.

I recently spent some time in Anglesey (highly recommended) and a couple of things are inspiring me to get back to my Trident Realm. Two of the things that have stumped me with this army are colour schemes and basing. A trip to the Anglesey Sea Zoo gave me some colour ideas, but I'm not sure if I can match them. It should be possible to get something close though.

I'm thinking the pale blue fish in the background.

As for basing, this looks about right to me.

Red Wharf Bay - Littoral zone

A sandy base with some patches of water and raised areas of grass.

Well that's plenty to be going on with, I wonder what I'll have achieved by the time I get to 100 000 views?

*Vast Pile of Unpainted Reaper Bones**

** Not all Reaper Bones, though largely. There are some of the WotC prepainted minis saved from the cull, some Heroclix minis, and assorted other bits and pieces.


  1. congratz buddy, when u hit 100k u need to do a massive battle report.
    i'm still trying to find extra time to do a large dungeon crawl of Fistful of Lead for my 25k milestone.
    i really dig the oldhammer posts. keep it up!!

    1. Thanks. Your feedback is always welcome.
      A big battle report? That's a great idea.
      I'm looking forward to your 25K

    2. lol i already hit 25k i just haven't done a big battle report myself, but i want to.

    3. Ah, yes. And once again, congratulations. Looking forward to that report.

  2. I hope I can be a part of the 1000K battle report?

    1. I'm sure that can be arranged.
      As long as you don't expect it to be 1000000 points a side

  3. We would both need to get painting if we were aiming for that?


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