Monday, 5 June 2023

Another Milestone

Here's me, with my little blog, celebrating over 40 000 views. I'm amazed that it's got so much interest, and grateful to everyone who has taken the time to read it, and, hopefully to keep coming back for more. Thank you all.

I started this blog in 2015, and it grew slowly at first. I reached 30 000 views in April 2023, so I'm delighted with another 10 000 views in fourteen months.

I've been looking at the statistics and the most popular post is the Reaper Bones Undead Elf, after that is my review of the Magic the Gathering board game.  Otherwise, the top ten includes reviews, painting articles, battle reports and crafting articles, so a good spread of what I post on here.
I'm glad that's a nice spread, so I'm doing something right. My rather 'scattergun' approach seems popular, at least if you don't like what I'm currently doing, something different will be along soon. 
It's also nice to see that people are still checking out older articles. I suppose the tagging system helps with that, and I try and use quite obvious post titles to help with internet searching.
So it looks like it's 'Keep Calm and Carry On" posting.

I do like to read comments, and I try to reply to them. Please leave comments if you can (I'm aware that Blogger is sometimes a bit wierd about this), and you can always message me using the contact form. I do aprove comments before they are live. I've not yet been bombarded with scam comments, but there have been a few, and I like to keep them out.

Finally, if you enjoy the content, please become a follower. 


  1. 40,000 views is amazing, well done. I like your 'scattergun' approach to your blog as it is similar to mine.

  2. hell yeah man, congrats. i dont have that many views plus i dont advertise my blog on forums or group pages as some do, i just post on it for mainly friends to see what i been doing. and if someone comes across it and checks it, awesome.
    when i hit 50k views, i'll do something cool, to show appreciation.

    1. Thanks.
      I find that if I mention a particular post on social media, the views jump, but I'm not organised enough to do it regularly.
      Fingers crossed for your 50K


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