By now my Battle Company was nearly one hundred points ahead, which gave the Fiefdoms six rerolls and six extra Influence Dice after the game. I suspect those extra Influence Dice are going to cause me problems next game.
Set Up
The Fiefdoms set up in a line, spread pretty much along their deployment zone. Look out for that knight out on the flank!
Harad bunched up in a bow contingent and a melee group. We both had an objective within easy reach.

The oncoming Fiefdoms. The Knight is off to the left, and one of the Blackroot Vale Archers off to the right
Harad grouped according to battlefield role
Opening Moves
Both forces move forwards while allowing the bulk of the missile troops to fire. We both have one archer who suffers no penalty for Moving and Shooting, so these led the way. Archery was disappointing, with arrows hitting obstacles (by the end of the battle, the hedge was full of arrows) or glancing off armour.
The advance continues. I decided at this point to place Ahad, one of my Bowmen, on the top of the ruined gatehouse, but he failed his Climb roll. Twice!
I also split off a couple of troops (Shawish and Tise) to take the objective on the hill.
The Knight continues his flank move, I was hoping to have everything wrapped up in the centre in time to deal with him.
Blackroot Vale Archers move up to the hedge and control the objective behind it.
Archery was, again, a complete loss for both sides.
Middle Phase - First Blood
I cautiously advanced my mounted troops as the Fiefdoms were too far away for a Charge and I didn't want to risk being charged. It's clear that the central objective is going to be the focus of the battle.
The Fiefdoms troops move to hold the gap
While Khamsa cautiously approaches the gap in the hedge
Khamsa the Raider charges the Men-at-arms and Qayid charges the Highlander. One of the Men-at-arms peels off to tackle Qayid, but the mighty Harad leader (after taking inspiration from the banner fluttering nearby*) knocks his opponents to the ground and takes both of them out of the fight. Khamsa is less fortunate, and is pulled to the ground and dispatched by his opponents.
The first combats of the battle prove particularly bloody
The Fiefdoms finally gain priority and Harad troops gain the hill top, avoiding the Knight's attention. He is more interested in charging Arbaea (the Banner Bearer), accompanied by one of the Men-at-arms. Despite this Arbaea fights them off, even managing to drop the Man-at-arms. Other combats are inconclusive (I forgot to declare a Heroic Move, allowing Qayid to be charged.)
Archery finally took its toll, with the Blackroot Vale Archers taking out two of the Harad Bowmen on the other side of the hedge.
Shawish leaves Tise on the hill top, his skills are better used in the melees around the gap. Accurate shooting from a Blackroot Vale Archer takes out Tise on the hill top, denying Harad the objective there.
Various Duels are bloodless, but now that Harad is Broken the Fates decide the engagement is over. Each side has one troop on an objective.
But the central objective is controlled by the Fiefdoms, giving them the win.
Well, another great fun game, and a well deserved win for the Fiefdoms. My son was a lot more focused on the objectives and aware of which ones were close enough to be claimed. Careful positioning of his troops meant that he had the middle objective, much to my surprise.
One of the Fiefdoms troops will be missing the next game, all of mine scraped through, but my current favourite Bowman, Eashra (he's got the extra shot, just like Sayaad) picked up an arm wound (just like Sayaad). Sabea ended up with an Old Battle Wound, that's three now across the company.
Khamsa got promoted to a Hero, so I now have seven heroes out of a total of ten troops.
The Blackroot Vale Archer sergeant can now call a free Heroic Shoot each turn, good enough in its own right, but the Archers have a nice synchronicity with Heroic Shoots.
Given the number of injuries I used Arbaea's pouch of Healing Herbs, so I replaced them. Otherwise I'm not sure what to spend the remaining eight Influence Dice on. I had planned not to add any more troops until I caught up with the painting, which I have now done. (Another post soon showing the most recent painting, though you can see them on the pictures above). I may well buy a horse for Shawish, which will entail painting another mini for that. It's never ending.
*Company Banners in Battle Companies games don't work the same as the Banners in the MESBG, they give a bonus to Courage rather than a reroll to one nearby duel.
However, Arbaea gained an ability that gives him the reroll that Banners normally do, so he is effectively both kinds of banner in one.
Sounds like another great game. Have you thought about using some of your Warhammer Townscape buildings in your games?
ReplyDeleteThanks. It was great fun.
DeleteThought about using some Warhammer buildings, but they don't really seem right for the stuff we are playing.
That said, if we ever play games set in the north, they'd be great.
DeleteI know I'm falling for Peter Jackson's aesthetic here, but it's convenient and readily understood (if lazy)