Monday, 19 June 2023

A Fiefdoms Battle Company

Since I posted my Harad Battle Company I thought it only fair to show my son's Fiefdoms Company.

The full company

Blackroot Vale Archer, Knight and Man-at-Arms

Another Man-at-Arms and an Axeman of Lossenarch

Archer and Man-at-Arms

There are fewer of them, as they are generally better troops, and there is a lot more variety in troop type.  Most of the relevant minis are available at the moment, and in metal too (with the exception of the Men-at-arms), as part of GWs rolling program of reissues.  My son decided to use some of the Citadel Guard as the Dol Amroth Men-at-Arms, partly as he already had some, and partly as we have read poor reviews of the official minis.  They are Failcast, and the pikes just don't hold up well in this material ('pool-noodles' is the kindest description I've heard). I think his choice of colours makes it clear that they are not from Minas Tirith. 

I really like the painting on them, despite the different style to my Haradrim, the use of the same basing material (Geek Gaming's Plains of New Zealand with some added tufts) they all look right together.

We weren't sure about how to name them. Presumably they would use similar naming conventions as Minas Tirith?  He'll get round to some names soon, now that the bulk of the painting is done; for now at least.

Note that since taking the photographs one of the Men-at-Arms has died, but more troops have been added, particularly a Clansman.  I'll do a reinforcements post soon combining the various additions we have both made.


  1. these came out very nicely.
    I never gotten into GW's LotR miniature line, but I was eyeing the goblin king and goblins for a long time for something to run with in DnD.

    1. On my son's behalf, thanks 🙏
      The LotR stuff is variable. I'm not personally a fan of most of the stuff they made up, such as the different Nazgul, or the Far Harad minis. The film based stuff is generally better, and can be useful (especially if you can find it cheap second hand). For DnD though, there's always the risk that it's too familiar to the players.
      That said, the orcs and goblins are pretty generic, and rather nice, and the Rohan stuff is decent for Early Medieval humans.


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