Friday, 16 June 2023

Kings of War Battle - 2000 points League of Rhordia vs The Herd

As I mentioned recently, I've been taking advantage of a short break to sort through various draft blog posts. I posted a 1000 point League vs Herd battle here, this is what I presume was the next battle we played, since it's gone up from 1000 to 2000 points, and is set following a Herd victory.
Unfortunately, I didn't write very much at the time, little more than the introduction and the photos. It might still be of interest, so here it is, and you can check Merlin's report for more details. 

Merlin and I continued our vague storyline of the border conflicts between the League of Rhordia and the Herd.

This time, with me hosting, I wanted a bigger battle and I thought the Herd would be capitalising on its previous victory by invading one of the provinces in the League, thus the Invade scenario provided the basis for the game.

League lands about to be invaded by the Herd 

Some of the Herd Horde 

And the rest of them 

And that's all I wrote at the time.

I see from Merlin's blog that this was a League victory, though only just. Despite managing to do lots of damage to the invading Herd, the League only got one extra Victory Point. I do remember that this was a great fun game, and an opportunity to get my horde of mercenary pike on the table.

Sadly this was the last game we played with our League and Herd armies. We had already begun our Ogres and Goblins, mostly because we knew that the new edition of Kings of War didn't have lists for Herd or League of Rhordia in the main rules, and we wanted armies that we could use straight away.
When we finally got the third edition lists neither of us liked the changes. The Herd's Stampede, one of Bodvoc's favourite units, was, I think, removed (there were issues of balance, the Rules Committee felt is was overpowered and needed adjusting. Rather than rushing through changes, it was removed until further testing could produce a more balanced unit.  I understand that most players now use them as Chariots). The League lost a lot of the Halfling units in preparation for splitting off the Halflings into an army of their own. A few loyalist Halflings remain in the League, but not many. It might be fun to revisit these armies at some point. The latest lists in the Red Book have a few changes from the Green Book, so we might like them better.


  1. The Pikemen are a strong unit that I need to soften up with missile fire first I think before getting into melee with them.


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