Sunday, 7 April 2024

Experiments in Miniature Photography 1

When I showed my Oldhammer Wood Elves I mentioned that I was working on improving my photography. As part of that I've tried a couple of different backgrounds in my light box.

New Backgrounds
Both are sheets of thin EVA 'craft' foam. My intention was to find a smoother surface to avoid the phone camera focusing on the backdrop rather than the mini (sadly, my eyes don't pick this up well until I've enlarged the picture).  I chose a pale blue and a pale grey colour to see if they would work, and what difference the different colours would make.

Comparative Shots
So here are shots of an old hydra that I painted many years ago with pale blue and pale grey backdrops.

The Verdict?
Well, I think the new background certainly make a difference.  The focus is much clearer on the mini, and there's no 'background noise' to distract the eye (or the autofocus!).
What I find particularly interesting is how much the colour of the background affects the colour of the mini.  The blue makes the hydra look warmer.
I like both these effects, but I think I'll stick to the blue for most things.  What do you think?  Please leave a comment.

The Hydra
The rather impressive hydra is a C29 mini designed by Trish Carden.  I've got a few of her Marauder sculpts, and they are generally excellent, though there was no deliberate plan involved in buying this.
I painted the hydra many years ago to use as a D&D monster.  It has a satin varnish finish, and it needs at least a coat of mat.  I suspect that underneath that slight shine there is more damage that needs sorting, and perhaps I should put it on a bigger base and texture it to match my current basing style.


  1. The blue background really works well. I may have to try this. I have some sandy coloured foam.

    1. Thanks, I feel the colours are truer, though you'll have to take my word for that.
      Have a go with your sandy foam, I might try some other colours myself.


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