Wednesday, 17 April 2024

More Miniature Photography

I was so pleased with the results of the photos taken using the new backdrop that I decided to do more photos.
These are minis that have been featured on my blog before, but I'm taking the opportunity to get better photos.

One point, the hydra was photographed in daylight, these were all done in the evening with room lights on. It certainly made a difference, with the photos being much cooler and bluer. Still, I was able to alter the colour balance and get better colours.

The three wood elves first seen here 
Half the dwarves 
And the rest from here.
And Flosi and Praetorius 

Despite altering the colour balance, I'm not quite as happy with these, I'm posting them because I think it makes an interesting point about light levels and quality. I doubt I'll retake these again, unless I suddenly get a better way of photographing minis.

Lesson learned, photograph in the daytime.


  1. The photo's look pretty god to me?

    1. Thanks. I've got the focus right, but the colours are not quite right. Still, the closest I've got bar the experimental hydra.

  2. looking good, the pics come out great.

    1. Thanks, I'm definitely seeing an improvement in my miniature photography.
      Now, should I redo more photos?

    2. meh. I would just do what you are doing now from here on out, when you look back at older posts you'll see an improvement over time. I leave all my old stuff up even though it may look like crap now compared to what I do now.

    3. Thanks, that's a good point, the earlier stuff represents where I was at the time.
      I may still do some posts collating new photos of old subjects, with links, simply to better show the minis and the painting.
      I won't go back and replace anything though.


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