Monday, 15 April 2024

Oldhammer Wolves

Evil Cavalry 
As I continue to clear through the piles of old minis, I'm putting to one side anything that I think will fit my Oldhammer project.
I recently found these three wolves, along with a handful of goblin wolf riders, so I decided that a unit of three (to be later expanded to six) would be a great addition to Team Evil.

The models are two Marauder Miniatures wolves, MM32 (W1) and MM34 (W1) and one Citadel wolf 4787/9 wolf 1

What Colour is a Wolf?
I've done some googling, and miniature painters seem to choose either greys or browns for wolves. A bit more research into real wolves showed me far more variation than I thought possible. 
Still, the choice is largely greys or browns, with further choice in lighter or darker colours (bellies tend to be light, and the top side, especially the spine is dark). 
In the end, I decided not to try to copy any particular wolf, but make up my own wolfy colours.
Now I have painted wolves before, you can see my 10mm wargs here and here. I also painted some of the Marauder wolves years ago to use in roleplaying (I can't remember how long ago, but it was third edition D&D). I still have one of these for reference.
Painted MM32 (W2) looking a bit the worse for wear

In the end I decided to go for greys. I think this will contrast well with the green skin of the goblins and the browns and tans of much of the equipment. Besides, if I ever do any orc boar riders, they will be browns.
There was one small problem, one of the wolves has lost it's slotta tab, but careful drilling and pinning allowed me to have a wire to attach it to a base (I'm using slotta bases as a temporary measure).
Tab-less MM 34 (W1)

Three Painted Wolves 
The wolves were primed with Vallejo Surface Primer, then a base coat of Vallejo Game Color Wolf Gray on the underbelly, legs and flanks. 
Then I overbrushed VGC Fortress Gray moving up the flanks, leaving plenty of the Wolf Grey showing.
Then a smaller area of the flanks and the top side was painted in VGC Cold Gray.
Finally the very top, from the forehead down to the tip of the tail was painted in Vallejo Extra Opaque Charcoal Gray. 

The detailing was pretty simple; claws and fangs were VGC Khaki, highlighted in Bonewhite, then Off White. The edges of the ears were painted in Wolf Gray. Gums were Charcoal Gray with a bit of black mixed in, the snout was the same darkened Charcoal Gray. Pads on the paws were VGC Dwarf Flesh. I finished by running a bit of black wash along the spine.

I'm delighted with how these wolves have turned out. I've already stripped the paint off the previously painted model, and found another unpainted Marauder wolf to add to the pack.

The Riders 
The goblins were pretty straightforward, but I'll give them their own post, including the completed wolf riders.


  1. The grey makes for a qreat colour scheme on the wolves.

    1. Thanks, I'm pleased with it, and little details, like the white ear tips and the lighter muzzle and dark nose give it, I feel, a touch of realism.


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