Tuesday, 21 November 2023

FfoL Galactic Heroes - Jawa Hunting

Andy and I had a great fun game of Star Wars Galactic Heroes recently. We are still using my 20mm Micromachines minis and (sadly still largely unpainted) terrain.

We came up with a quick scenario, both sides were hunting Jawas in a small Tatooine town. Perhaps one of them has a stolen power converter?  Maybe a certain Sith wanted to recreate his glory days on the pod-racing circuit?  Regardless of the reasons, victory would go to the side who had escorted the most Jawas off the board.

Both sides deploy, eying up the Jawas. The Imps are just off the shot, to the left of the sand dune 

Vader surges ahead, as does Luke. The rest of the troops lag somewhat behind. 
(We both made use of the extra action for our heroes on the relevant colour card).

The Rebel leader 'persuades' a Jawa to accompany him.

Behind the large building Luke has befriended one Jawa, and uses the power of The Force to bring another one to him off the roof of the building

The Rebel M25 (heavy blaster) wounds Lord Vader, then a sandstorm hits the area, preventing further shooting

The Sith Lord tries to use The Force against the Rebel M25, but his injury is too distracting. He ducks back into cover

The wounded Vader falls over, releasing the Jawa he had captured

The Stormtrooper's BlasTech DLT - 20 runs out of ammo, that Rebel M25 is safe for now

The Heavy Stormtrooper takes two wounds from the Rebel.  He is just able to crawl to safety where he reloads (I used a Joker to Reload, but this triggered anther sandstorm, if I'd used it earlier I'd have lost the Reload, but he wouldn't have been a target)

A Rebel wounds a Stormtrooper.  He hopes that Lord Vader will Heal him.  No such luck.  Meanwhile, another Stormtrooper captures a Jawa, and in the distance another Jawa is tempted by a Rebel

Stepping up to the Rebel trooper, Lord Vader slices him in half with his light sabre.  (Vader used the Queen of Hearts to remove his wound)

Vader charges his son, it ends badly for Luke

Vader moves to try and intercept more Rebels, but it's too late, the Rebels have taken the bulk of the Jawas to safety

The final tally. The Rebels have lost two men, including Luke, but have captured five Jawas, giving them the victory

This was a great fun game. We were pretty much making the scenario up as we went, for instance, deciding that a model with a captured Jawa would have to release it if wounded, and the Jawa would randomly scatter.  It didn't matter as we both had a lot of fun.  Vader cutting down Luke was very dramatic.  I rolled a 12 for Vader's melee roll, and given that he had a Light Sabre (a Deadly weapon), that was it for Luke, but he has the Nine Lives trait, allowing him to ignore his first Out of Action result and take a Wound instead.  
Sadly, Vader had another two actions, and rolled a natural 12 again, so it was off to the Bacta tanks for young Skywalker.
This was our second game with Heroes, and as before, we thought the rules worked very well.  I struggled to use any effective Force Powers with Vader, he routinely failed his Force Choke, and the few times that he was shot at and missed, he failed to deflect the shot back.  He was, however, a monster with his Light Sabre, attacking three times, and rolling a 12 each time.  Luke, on the other hand, used his Force Powers very intelligently to Grab a Jawa and bring it close.  Shame he fell to his father's blade.  I'm sure that he has simply lost another appendage and will be back, more bionic than before.

If there's any interest I'll post up the details of the scenario separately.


  1. That does sound a great game. I think I would need a serious re-read of the rules to be able to play this again. You almost had me thinking of designing a pod racing game (almost!).

    1. It was.
      The second edition has some small changes, or perhaps it explains things better. Armour, for instance, in more in line with the Fantasy rules. I suppose I need to read through and see if our stat blocks need changing.
      As for your pod racing game, do it.

    2. i would say for a pod racing, use the Gaslands rules for that.
      more chaos to be had, just my suggestion.

    3. Never tried Gaslands, though I understand its quite popular

  2. such a great good read, kinda inspires me to dig out my clone wars stuff and do some Galactic Heroes stuff.

    1. Do it. You know you have to :)
      This was a great fun game, but I must get the terrain finished, and, perhaps, a few more bits of scatter terrain.
      I've also got some more minis (of course) that could do with a touch up and basing. A gang of miscellaneous aliens sounds fun.


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