**WARNING** This post contains images of unpainted and unfinished terrain which some hobbyists may find distressing.
We each had a crew of Leader, Specialist and three Regulars, plus the relevant Galactic Hero

This was the first time we'd tried using Heroes, how well would they work for Star Wars?
Brave Rebel heroes (or scum)
Imperial forces no doubt giving the residents a hard time
Luke leads his Rebel crew in from the dunes, while Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers occupy the town
The Rebels cautiously advance, trying to make the most of the cover. The Imps are even more hesitant, Lord Vader directs them from atop one of the buildings.
Early Imperial shooting takes out one of the Rebels!
Luke uses the Force to heal his companion's wound
Vader (near centre) uses The Force to shield himself and 'Force chokes' the recently healed rebel trooper
Luke charges in to fight Vader. Vader is Shaken by his assault, then Luke cuts him down
Another great fun game, and an interesting experiment using two iconic characters. Shooting was a bit lack-lustre on both sides, though the Imps got the first kill. There were a couple of times the Rebs took wounds or were shaken, but I was able to use the relevant cards to remove these conditions, or have Luke use his Healing. The only successful Rebel shooting was the PLX - 1 which took out two Stormtroopers with one rocket in the same turn as Luke's heroic charge against his father.
As we have seen before, the FfoL Galactic Heroes rules certainly work well for run-of-the-mill Star Wars style skirmishes, but how did they work with Luke, Vader and the Force?
The Heroes rules essentially build another Leader. We added Psychic (Force) Powers as well (so one more Trait than strictly allowed, but we wanted really impressive heroes). The Psychic Powers did feel like the Force, and we saw them used to good effect. Luke Healed one of the Rebels and Vader used Force Choke on the same poor Reb. Vader also Shielded himself to dissuade the Rebels from shooting at him and goad Luke into fighting him. We didn't get any deflection of blaster bolts, largely because any firing against the heroes was from too far away; once we got closer, neither of us wanted to risk it.
The game was quickly put together, given more time I'd adjust the traits slightly, but they seemed to work fine. Also, unpainted terrain. This was some stuff I threw together last time we were playing, and it never got finished. I should complete it, but I've been thinking about doing some 28mm stuff to use the greater variety of the old WotC pre-painted stuff.
Sounds like a great game and interesting to hear about how heroes played as I have not used then yet.
ReplyDeleteThanks, it was great fun. We know the FfoL rules give a good game, though its been a while since we played, and there was quite a bit of looking up. The heroes were new to us, and look promising. I'm thinking about having two grades of heroes so that the likes of Chewie are less powerful than, say lord Vader.
Deletegreat read, i like the warning in the beginning of the post, lol.
ReplyDeletei was thinking of doing a FFoL SW game where there were more Jedi's who survived Order 66, and the newly created Vader with clone troopers are after them.
Thanks, I like to add a bit of humour.
DeleteI'm sure a few more Jedi could have survived, at least for a while, and games with Vader hunting them down could be great fun.