Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Oldhammer Elves part 1

When I explained how I'm collecting and organising my Oldhammer minis I showed a group of elves. Well these are going to be the first reduced model unit for my Good Alliance. In that post I suggested a unit size of four, but I'm going for six instead.

L to R; C08 (3C - 11) Bowman, C08 (3C - 08) Guard, C08 (3C - 04) Orc-Slayer, ME 31 (02) Silvan Elf, ME 31 (01) Silvan Elf, 4213/10 Bow 9

These are lovely minis and include some of the classic Lord of the Rings minis that Citadel did long before the films. (I've got quite a few of the ME minis scattered around; I'll have to see if I have a full Fellowship somewhere for a future project).  The first three in the line-up above are all sculpted by Aly Morrison but I don't know who did the others.

I don't think of this lot as an organised unit, so no uniforms; that said, there will be quite a bit of green.  I'll probably go for light green hose and dark green tunics, where relevant, rather like the different greens I used on the Reaper Bones Undead Elf. I'd also like to use some browns, following the description of Legolas "clad in green and brown".
I'll vary the shades slightly as well, as I feel this gives a more naturalistic look to pre-industrial fabrics.  There are some nice details, such as straps, buckles and studs, which will give plenty of interest, but not so much that I get confused as to what to paint things (a complaint I have against many of the more modern minis).

I've also got another unit ready, again lovely Oldhammer models. This time a unit of Light or Heavy Foot. It'll be a while before I paint them though, I think I should do a unit for the Evil side first.


  1. love seeing these oldhammer posts.
    these will be interesting to see painted and done.
    I don't even recognize any of these. I'm in the hunt for some old school metal skaven myself.
    I think hunting for them is a hobby all its own.

    1. Thanks.
      I use LostMinisWiki to identify them. A few on that last picture are Marauder Miniatures, but they are the same designers as Citadel.
      I agree, Oldhammer Hunting is a noble pastime. I'm afraid I sold off all my old Skaven other than a few monopose plastics

  2. LostMinisWiki is great site, i used that site to identity several wild west figures i acquired few yrs back and found out they were from the DeadLands line from Pinnacle.

  3. Deadlands eh, nice. Did that start off as a miniatures skirmish system?
    . I've played the Savage Worlds RPG, which was fun, but we used card 'minis'

  4. i am not sure to be honest. of what i read sounds like it was a rpg first. then figures were made for the rpg and a battle game called The Great Rail Wars according to Lost Minis Wiki.

    1. I've heard of The Great Rail Wars. I never knew the games' histories were that complicated. Thanks for the info.


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