Thursday, 21 February 2019

Frostgrave Warband Actually Complete

A while ago I showed the first seven soldiers for a Frostgrave warband I was painting for a friend.  I've finally finished the remaining soldier and the wizard and apprentice.

This model could be a knight, given the amount of armour

The wizard.

And his apprentice

The whole band

I'm afraid I don't know who makes these three minis, but they were all nicely sculpted and cast with a good amount of detail.  In fact I found the various pouches, amulets and similar a bit daunting on the wizard and apprentice.  This is partly why they took such a long time, as I would stare at them wondering what colours to use.
I see that there are some shiny patches still, I'd better touch them up with a bit more matt varnish before handing them over.

Well, they are done, at least until the owner decides to hire a war dog.  It never hurts to have a few spares for Frostgrave anyway.

That's another box empty, Star box to be precise.  OK, if you've checked you'll know that's not quite true, but I'm shifting the remaining item from there into Wave box.

It's also not empty because Star already has a new project in it.  I've been sorting through some old GW minis and have decided to add to my Kingdoms of Men.  I'll get some pictures up when I have some progress to show.


  1. A fine looking warband. No snow on the bases?

    1. No, he wants them to be more readily useable for Runequest as well as Frostgrave. My Frostgrave warbands are on clear bases so it doesn't matter. When it comes to terrain I'll not put too much snow on either to make them more generically useful (though my mat is a sort of dirty snow/mud colour).


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