Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Frostgrave Warband (almost) Complete

When I talked about how I use the five box system, I said that the Star box currently has Frostgrave stuff in it.  I've now just about finished the warband in there that I am painting for a friend.  Still to do is the knight/man-at-arms and the wizard and apprentice are still to finish.  Since it's his birthday I've tried to get something I can hand to him, so here are seven of the soldiers.

Thugs, taken I believe from Crooked Dice for their 7TV game (which looks great fun).

(Elven) Archers, note the green skin.  I'm not sure what manufacturer they are.

Crossbow and Thief.  Again, I don't know the maker of the crossbowman, but the thief is another Crooked Dice mini.

I tried to put more care into these, so I tried blending and shading rather than just a wash and/or drybrush.  I hope the extra attention shows.  The owner GMs Runequest, and wanted these to fit into that game as well, so he instructed me to paint weapons etc as bronze rather than iron or steel.  Likewise the elven archers have green skin, because apparently that's a thing in Runequest.

We didn't have a definitive idea for the bases, so I went for a few flatish stones amongst largely bare earth.  With some winter tufts (Cos I like tufts, did I mention that?)


  1. That is a great warband and should many games, not just Frostgrave.

    1. Thanks. Multiple use is the idea. Who knows, once Mantic bring out the koM list for Vanguard, they might even do for that (though might need a bit of reinforcements in the fighting department)


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

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