Saturday, 1 December 2018


I'm just back from Recon, Wakefield Wargames Society's annual show at Pudsey Civic Hall.
I always enjoy this show, it's local, and I remember going to the very first one in a church hall somewhere Headingley way.  It's small enough to get round and feel you've seen everything, but large enough to have a good selection of traders and games.

This year the show seemed a little subdued, and I felt (only a personal observation) that there were far fewer younger punters.  Still, there was plenty of chat and I met up with friends and had a great time.
For a while I have been considering a new Kings of War army.  I was tempted by Force of Nature, but eventually decided on Trident Realms of Neritica.  Mantic do some very nice models, and the force list is already in Vanguard, so I could have a skirmish sized force (and experiment with paint schemes) and a matching army.  I've already picked up a few bits on eBay, but have been eyeing the mega army set with little hope of affording it.  Well one retailer (Mighty Lancer Games) had it at half price.  'Ker-ching'. That, and a few more discount purchases, and I'm well past what I wanted to start the army and am well into that 'second 1000' that gamers plan for after they have enough to put on the table for a small battle.

Trident Realms army set with added Wyrmrider.  Plus a Reaper Bones Coral golem, ideal for the Coral Giant in the list.

Of course, I haven't forgotten the box system.  I currently have no empty boxes (keeping 'cross' empty for a couple of possible RPG requirements), but I hope to empty Star before Christmas, so the Trident Realms can go in there, or rather a unit or two can, along with the Vanguard force, as a new project for the new year.

I had planned to get some more Greeks in 15mm, but by the time I'd finished buying Trident Realms stuff, I thought I'd better stop spending.  I did pick up one other nice thing though, a set of Medieval Musicians.
Depot Battalion's Medieval Musicians.  These are from Colonel Bill.  Whilst not 100% accurate, it's nice to see someone making musicians, and at least they are 'wielding' roughly accurate instruments.


  1. It was a very enjoyable show as always, I too spent too much and had a great time.


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