Sunday, 24 February 2019

Kingdoms of Men Reinforcements - Part Two, Basecoats

Last time I had the handgunners stripped, repaired, based with magnets and undercoated.  Now I have them all basecoated.

Current progress, all twenty basecoated

The paint scheme is pretty simple, I could have had a lot fancier patterning on the clothes. I chose to use the old Warhammer Empire colour scheme for Talabecland.  I still have the old Uniforms of the Empire book, a fun read, and I have even thought about copying some of the legendary units from there if I ever want a special project.  
My choice wasn't just sentimental though; I wanted colours that worked well with a Strongtone wash, so my previous Altdorf troops with their blue, would have looked muddy.  I hope the red and yellow will work better; this is all to help turn out units relatively quickly. 

I chose to mix the colours on their clothes.  My ex-Altdorf troops tend to have the same patterns, being from the capital, but I think these should be a bit less regimented.  It's probably a case of just turn up wearing red and yellow.  Since there are four different models I deliberately approached painting them in blocks.  Each pose got two with the top left quarter in yellow, two with the top right in yellow, and one with the colours split vertically.  When I have a lot of near identical models I like to use paint schemes to make them look as different as possible.  Smaller details such as hat colour are also varied across the unit.

Samples of each model in the unit

The red is VGC Gory Red and the yellow is VGC Heavy Goldbrown.  Other colours are various VGC paints such as Bone White or Off White for the linen and feathers, and Dwarf Skin for the flesh.  The leather straps and some of the pouches are the brown undercoat.
I found certain bits, such as the metalwork on the matchlock rifle, very fiddly, and I wasn't as neat as I would have liked.  I hope this won't show too much, as the worst offending areas are on the underneath of the guns.

Here's a bonus picture from above showing the magnets in the troop tray.

At the moment they don't look much, though having seen some of my earlier minis in the big box of Empire troops, I used to think I'd done well if I produced paint jobs like this.  
Next up is the highlighting, hopefully soon, though I am also getting some stuff ready for Vanguard as well from the Wave box.

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