Friday, 3 August 2018

The Chase for the Crown

Following the enormous fun we had with the first battle, we moved on to a 1000 point Invade game.
The undead had the Black iron Crown from the first game, now a larger orc force was pursuing them to try and recapture it.
Both armies face off, the skulks were then able to sneak forwards to the edge of the wood (Vanguard move)

The entire undead army moved forward, the Revenant King using his powers, and those of the Black Iron Crown to surge a unit of revenants further. 

The orcs ignored the horde of zombies on their left flank.  That would be a tarpit they would do well to avoid.  The gore riders on the right flank stayed put; they were just too far away from the revenant cavalry, and didn't fancy being charged rather than doing the charging.  Two regiments of orc axes moved forwards in the middle of the field, and the trolls ranged far ahead over the hill, hoping to draw out the enemy.  The skulks loosed a volley at the mummies, but the damage they did was trivial.

The revenant cavalry held; this was going to be a game of cavalry chicken.  The mummies then charged the trolls, and at the arcane urging of their king, a regiment of revenants joined in.  The trolls took a fair bit of damage, but merely shrugged and stood firm.
Meanwhile, on the orc's left flank those zombies shuffle onwards.

The gore riders had a plan!  They moved forward slightly to bait the revenant cavalry.  At their side, the moraxes readied their blades in anticipation.  The trolls charged the revenants that had hurt them previously, whilst the forward axe regiment charged another lot of revenants.  The Krudger 'encouraged' his pet goblin, who Zapped the Revenant King, but to little effect.  Both the trolls and the axes were disappointing in melee, both did some damage, but had to back off.

Taking the bait, the revenant cavalry charged the gore riders.  The revenants moved in against their troll foes again, and the other revenant unit took on the orc axes.  Seeing an opportunity, the mummies were able to take the axes in the flank.  None of the undead were able to break their enemy, but all the combats were brutal; the axes in particular took a lot of damage, and the trolls were wavered.  
Behind the line, the wights awaited their chance, and those zombies shuffled forwards again, this time over the wall and into Orc territory.

The gore riders sprung their trap; with the help of the morax in the flank, they charged the revenant cavalry. Seeing how tough the revenant infantry were, the trolls withdrew whilst the Flagger rode up to behind them, and the Krudger climbed the hill, dragging his reluctant goblin with him.  The axes charged the revenants, with the skulks to the side charging the revenant flank.  There was insufficient room for the other axe regiment to contact the mummies as the trolls were in the way.  The gore riders and moraxes destroyed the revenant cavalry, but elsewhere the revenant infantry held, thanks to the presence of their king.
The central melee showing how cramped it got.

The revenants charged in against the axes once more, whilst their companions facing the trolls also charged in.  The mummies moved turned to face the troll flank and the Revenant King (s)urged them in.   The zombies began the slow process of turning round to face the orc line, and the Wights once more waited for the chance to fight.  Both the trolls and the axes were slain, the undead took the opportunity to dress their ranks.  They had wiped out a substantial portion of the enemy, and were close to getting their army into enemy territory.

The gore riders marched off into the undead lands, perhaps unaware of how the battle was going on the other side of the hill.  On top of the hill, the moraxes charged the revenants, but the undead warriors held.  The remaining axe regiment charged the mummies, with the help of their Krudger, despite causing considerable damage, the mummies held.  The skulks desperately charged the other revenant regiment, but did little more than a scratch.

In response, the revenants countercharged the skulks and the mummies and Revenant King charged the axes.  The skulks were wiped out, but the axes held.  On the hill, the revenants charged the moraxes and destroyed them, then moved up into enemy territory.

The gore riders continued their march forwards, but the axes and the orc heroes withdrew, the goblin managing to zap the revenants.

The mummies and the Revenant King once more charged the axes, this time wiping them out.  The revenants charged the Krudger, but did little damage to him.

As the battle draws to a close, the orc heroes withdrew, keener to fight another day than be needlessly slaughtered.  On the orc's right flank the gore riders rode 'triumphant', only to realise they were the only orc unit to make it this far and that victory belonged to the undead.


  1. Great battle report and a super looking game.

    1. Thanks, it was great fun, even though T'Other One got the upper hand pretty early and I seemed to spend most of the game reacting to him rather than making progress.


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