Monday, 13 August 2018


I was quite surprised this morning to see that my little blog has had over 10000 views!  I suspect that quite a few of these are thanks to Mother Russia, but it looks good.

When I started this blog it was for personal reasons. I needed a way to help me organise my hobby time a little better, and I thought that some, at least, of the stuff I was doing was worth sharing.
I guess both aims are being met, though I could still do with increasing my focus on projects (I never did get that 18mm Martian project finished.  I have the minis though, and it might make a fun Dragon Rampant project).

Well, back to painting Ancients for another game of KoWH coming up next week, and thank-you for reading.


  1. I suspect I am one of your top viewers?


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

For the past 48 days my hobby time has been dedicated to Dave Stone's Paint What You Got Challenge . I decided early on to use it as a s...