Friday, 24 August 2018

Frostgrave Again

Monday night saw a second game in our intermittent campaign.  The same Necromancer and Soothsayer were there against Hakon the Wise, my nordic style Enchanter.  The fourth player was my eldest who brought a blocky looking warband of Lego minifigures led by an Elementalist, and supported by a suspiciously familiar apprentice.
We played the Mausoleum from the main rulebook, and I had made (most of) a model to represent it. Again, I didn't take notes for a detailed write up, but there were several highlights.

The Soothsayer's knight, who last game was felled by a wandering  monster late on in the game, this time succumbed to a lowly skeleton in the first turn.

The Elementalist twice tried to cast Elemental Shards into two opposing warbands, both times rolling a 1.  Ouch!   

Fortunately Harry, er the apprentice, was there to Leap him to safety.

Hakon's men face off against the Elementalist's, rather large, thug

By turn four most of the treasure had been claimed, a pretty successful game for all the wizards.

I felt the scenario certainly added to the immersion of the game, though once again we had to draw the game to a close after 4 turns.  With four players, and a relative unfamiliarity with the rules, I don't think that's bad, but I suspect a two player game would play slicker and faster.

Once again we started out pretty bloodless (apart from the poor knight), but by the end, most warbands had been involved in a scrap or two.

Oh, and the red counters?  They were markers to show which models had been activated.

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