Saturday, 5 September 2015

What I Did on my Holidays

I remember when I used to have to write that kind of essay at school, way back last century.  Just back from a lovely relaxing week with the family, but i did manage to squeeze in some gaming too.

I took my KoW goblin army to get some ready for painting.  I had cut everything off sprues and put as much stuff as possible in an old tool box, along with the various tools needed to clean up and put together the minis.
Goblin army - Some Assembly Required
I managed to plan quite a bit, i.e. what units I want to paint up and a rough army list.  I even managed to start assembling a horde of 'Sharpsticks' (spear armed goblins).  As with my previous units 40 goblins will become around 30 with some tree stumps etc.

I also got in a three player game of Frostgrave with a friend who lives in the area and my son.  I took up my fold flat ruined buildings, which seemed to work fine.

I even got in some painting as both the lad and I have the Reaper Learn to Paint Bones kit.  Its surprising how much you can learn following another person's instructions, especially as I am at the 'you can't teach me' stage.

I also managed to consume a truly heroic amount of Wensleydale cheese and took in two castles and an abbey.  All good background for roleplay.

And finally, when I got home my hardback copy of Kings of War was waiting for me.  Overall, I am a rabbit of very positive euphoria.


  1. Those flat pack buildings make for a great looking gaming table!

  2. Thanks. While I would prefer fully built up terrain they look fine. They also safe a load of space and are light to carry so i was able to fit a table's worth of ruins plus a felt mat and the minis for Frostgrave all in one box.
    the lightness isn't always a bonus, we had a couple of incidents of table nudging which demolished a building or two, but it was easily set right.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

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