Friday, 21 August 2015

Still Here

I haven't posted recently, but I haven't been idle.

Further work on my Frostgrave warband, and I realise I need two, so other players can join in, starting probably with my son.  Since the first warband was entirely made up of pre/repaint D&D minis the second one will probably be the official minis.  I got a Thaumaturge and apprentice with the 'Nickstarter' along with the plastic soldiers box and a metal templar and knight.  Out of this I should be able to make a band.

In other news I received my Kings of War and Dreadball Extreme packages from Mantic.  DBX was so long ago I had forgotten what i ordered, so everything was a pleasant surprise.  I have already put one of the minis aside to make a guest appearance in D&D (a no-prize if anyone can guess which one).

All I got in KoW was the rulebooks (the hardback hasn't been dispatched yet).  Two goblin war engines which are lovely and can be built in two different ways, and the free Blaine on dinosaur and Ronaldo the Bard.  Blaine is great, the best version of him so far.  Ronaldo is fun, though I'm not sure quite what he is playing.  It looks like a small lute, but the peg box on mine was so bent it was hard to tell.

Oh, and I got 50 dice!

(Pictures will be added as and when)

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