Sunday, 13 September 2015

Gobin Sharpsticks 3; Goblins in the Brown

I finally managed to get some more Army Painter Leather Brown undercoat and the weather was good enough to get all 30 Sharpsticks undercoated.  They were stuck into cork blocks to allow spraying multiple minis at once.  (The cork is from the cork blocks sold for sanding blocks in DIY stores, and can easily be cut lengthwise in half to give two blocks; each holds around 4 to 5 normal figures).
That's a lot of Goblins!

Crooknose in person

I will batch paint these, as 30 is a bit too many for me to comfortably handle in one go.  Probably two lots of 15.  As we are following Crooknose's progress. he will be in the first batch.

As the minis have lost their bases I will use clips to hold individuals, though when I get to the dip I will probably put them all back on the cork.

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